Tuesday, December 6, 2011

At Last a Good Thing

"At Last a Good Thing."

All of my life I ran into losers who did not care about
me past looking between my thighs.
They were all about the empty promises and oh boy
they come up with the most fantastic lies.
It's like I was drawing the worst ones imaginable it was
heart break after heart break lots of disappointments too.
Only the Most High above knows from this male and
that male all of the drama that I went through.
At one point I became so cold and untrusting I really
didn't want to hear a thing that a male had to say.
Because they were worst than the children that they
gave me and all they wanted to do was play.
I prayed for the right man to come along and I said man
because the males in my past truly failed me.
They just didn't mean me any good and all they left behind
was nights filled with tears and so much misery.
One day I met this guy who was so different he treated
me like he really cared about me but I wasn't used to it.
He would come by with Roses, and candy and even stuffed
animals he really blew my mind away I must admit.
He was more than I was ready for and my feelings got
caught up fast and I had to tell him to slow things down.
You see I wasn't ready for another disappointment I was scared
that my heart would be broken again if he stopped coming around.
I just could not believe someone this sweet could be true and
in my life too how something this wonderful could come true.
Here I finally had a man in my life that made me smile
everyday someone who I felt that I would say I Do.
After the many disappointments and heartaches of my
past I was blessed and finally I was given a real good thing.
So much joy and happiness into my life
I know this man will bring.
I think about him constantly and when he calls I get butterflies
you know something I think I'm falling in Love.
This is my time to reap my reward and to be happy for once
with my Angel that I know was sent from above.
At last a good thing has come and I'm the
happiest I've ever been in my entire life.
The prayers I've said through many nights of tears have
come true and I have a man who is going to make me his wife.

I pray this will inspire someone
who needs this.
shelly david wright, poet

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