Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Full Access

"Full Access."

Many ask the question how can some people allow the
devil to use them well he has full access to them anyway.
Those who do not have the spirit of Yah dwelling within
neither have an option or really do not have a say.
As god of this present age he has subjects to worship him
and all those who aren't called out of darkness do.
I was there at one time I did as I was told through his
spirit as I'm sure a good many of you.
He was given full access to us by Yah when we rebelled
against Him yet at the same time obey shatan too.
When we listened to the voice of the adversary a lot of
drama and trouble we were going to grow through.
The world and those who dwell therein are of shatan
those who do not have the seal of the Most High.
We who have been changed are set apart by His spirit
and are changing daily this for myself I can't deny.
Right now I'm growing through some emotional issues
and I pray by the time you read this they're over for me.
You see I was placed in a situation that if it were my
choice in the matter it's no way in it I would be.
Yah chose me for this as I asked Him for a blessing to
my heart and now my heart is full and I'm out of it.
You see in the time before Yah truly sends your breakthrough
blessing shatan is on you to cast doubt I'll admit.
Yet the victory has always been ours even though in
the flesh we can't see it or feel it, it’s there you should know.
When we are in a place where there is peace and the
clouds of confusion have disappeared the truth will show.
But those who are in darkness are lost and need our prayers
and compassion because they're blind and can't see.
How shatan is using them and is in full control of them he has
full access to them and they are bound spiritually.
They are the voices that are all around us who speak the
things that the devil tells them to.
Yet in this matter we can say please forgive them for they
being blind and tools do not know they don't have a clue.
Full access is what the devil has to those who are his to control
and to fully manipulate.
They are blind and are lost filled with the works of the flesh
where they only show lust, jealousy, envy and hate.

shelly david wright, poet

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