Thursday, December 22, 2011

When You Miss Someone

"When You Miss Someone."

When you miss someone you really feel them
I know because I feel it in my heart.
From the time I close my eyes at night I'm
missing you until I wake up and a new day starts.
When you miss someone who has touched your life
and you don't hear or see them the way you used to.
You feel the void where they once were and the time
that you spent together is time alone and that's poo.
When you miss someone as much as I miss you I feel
that it's not one sided because of how I was to you.
Whenever you asked I was there to deliver what you
wanted I felt it from the heart and that I'd do.
I know that I cross your mind and heart because I
saw so much of how you felt in your eyes.
When you were in my presence I know what we had
was real and true without the lies.
When you miss someone as much as I miss you the
time without you is just wasted time to me.
We both were in something that could have grown
like the Beanstalk into something of real Beauty.
Where two hearts could have become one and a life
together we could have lived as a family.
With a true Love that many have thought was a fairy
tale but the reality of it through us they'd see.
When you miss someone you will always think about
them and have them on your heart and mind.
Especially when you think on the times you spent
together when they were to you very sweet and kind.
The beautiful thing is when you went separate ways it's
for a season and for things that Yah had to work through.
Because when you reunite with that person it will be so
much better than the beginning it will be brand new.
I really miss you and I enjoyed the times we spent but I
hope and trust that there are better times to come.
You see I know that we are walking according to the Love
of Yah and it's His will that's where we're coming from.
When you miss someone it's a two way street and in this
time of separation or absence fonder hearts should grow.
That when our time out is over a testimony for others to
see and a true Love and commitment we'll know.

shelly david wright, poet
# 98

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