Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Resurrection of Love

"Resurrection of Love."

I know many marriages are being attacked by the
devil and the feelings that many share are dead.
What is replaced is anger and bitterness confusion
and some of the worst things some mates have said.
I would tell you that these are the lies of shatan who
come in to steal your hope, happiness and Joy as well.
He wants you to feel like it's hopeless and it's over he
wants you to go through an emotional hell.
Many marriages that could not withstand the storm
went through divorce many by way of Adultery.
The Love many thought they had in the beginning was
replaced by drama and the darkside of their spouse they'd see.
First of all not all marriages are the same shatan is a
matchmaker he put together many marriages too.
He makes a mockery of marriage because it is what Yah
created for His own shatan may have joined many of you.
Resurrection of Love and there is hope when you read the
story of Job you will see that his wife turned cold on him.
Through the attacks of shatan she was turned emotionally
as he does many spouses he knows how to get to them.
When Yah turned the Captivity from Job he was restored
and the Love of his wife was restored also.
To those who are going through marital problems/spiritual
warfare this you really need to know.
Yah can turn anything around and He will do it as a
witness so the unbelieving can believe He's real.
I know many of you are going and growing through the
drama now but just know He knows how you feel.
Yah Loves marriage and hates divorce and He wants
you to know His Love through your spouse.
He can restore the happiness and Joy that you two had
and bring so much more than before to your house.
Resurrection of Love when a Love has turned cold
but Yah can breathe into that relationship new life.
Where the beginning was not that great the end of the
matter will be better for that husband or wife.
I had to write this as to encourage you and myself that
Yah can turn a cold heart warm again and fill it with Love.
Yah can change that spouse and give you a Love and intimacy
and the only sparks that will fly will be from a passion unheard of.

This I Pray wholeheartedly,
shelly david wright, poet

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