Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This Time I Want to Be a Real Husband

"This Time I Want to Be a Real Husband."

This time I want to be a real husband
because I wasn't DooDoo before.
But since Yah entering my life and changing
me for the better I know a whole lot more.
I'm no longer filled with lust where I got to have
and would get mad if I couldn't and act out.
This time I know what real Love is all about and I know
how special it is just to be held I know what's it about.
I wasn't a terrible husband compared to many out here
but compared to what I am now I didn't even exist.
I am now much more with this renewed life Yah has
given me and I will treat her like a lady I do insist.
This time I want to be a real husband not the ones
that shatan marries off just to later see it all fall apart.
You see although you say I Love You that is a lie because
you can't feel what isn't present in your heart.
Outside of Yah it's impossible to feel Love for He is Love
His presence must be in you.
When you Love you're able to deny yourself and place them
first because they're your responsibility and dream come true.
When you Love you will be able to drop anything just to make
sure their needs are met and they will also do the same.
You see when your marriage is brought together by Yah
you know it will be real this time and not some game.
He will be the foundation and the center the head and tail
and you will give all praises to Him.
Those who have come out of darkness who have been changed
know the difference now all of them.
I want to be a real husband to a Loving wife because this
time I have understanding and patience to know.
That Lovemaking is just an expression of our Love not
every night this expression she needs to show.
Lust is selfish and self centered where Love is not about
self but about the one you've been given to Love.
A treasure that after you've prayed and waited for
you know it had to come from above.
I want to be a good husband this time from Yah and
I know He is preparing me a good wife from Him too.
This time we both will know the meaning and the depth
of the promises we make to each other that end in I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

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