Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Problems Equal Prayer

"Problems Equal Prayer."

When you're being attacked it is a good sign
so don't you hold your head down and never fear.
When you are a child of Yah you know that there
are solutions and He promised to always be near.
The problems in your life equal prayer no matter
what it is just know when you're faithful He hears you.
He saw the end from the beginning of your life so He
knows all too well what it is that you're growing through.
If it were not for the problems many would not have a
reason to pray so He allows them to come into your life.
He is the one who will get the praise when He delivers
you out of the mindset of misery that causes strife.
It's like Sunshine without rain and when the cloudy
days come you don't know how to act.
This is just the reality we need to balance in our lives
this is without a doubt a simple fact.
Right now many I know are having their share of
attacks and we should be there to pray for one another.
Be a shoulder to lean on in these times be a word they
need to hear from that hurting Sister or Brother.
There was a Sister who was having trouble with her son
and we know that with the young shatan is nothing nice.
But all I can say is let it go because Yah has the answers
as you've listened before please take this advice.
We are not fighting flesh and blood although they're in
human form a spirit of destruction they've got.
Demons who have possessed the young why do you
think the spirit of murder is running hot.
We need to be about encouraging each other instead
of hating but showing Love to them.
The tears are there when they're going through an
attack shatan is present and they feel him.
We need to show some concern because we could be
next and we will want a shoulder to cry on too.
Problems equal prayers and prayers equal solutions
miracles in your life Yah will do.
To you who need encouragement I say pray your
way out of your misery and give a friend a call.
In the eyes of the Most High we are all family and
we should think that way stand together and don't fall.

shelly david wright, poet

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