Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Love Doesn't Make You a Punching Bag

"Love Doesn't Make You a Punching Bag."

When you Love someone and you truly give your all
and get nothing but criticism and disrespect in return.
Then you know what they feel for you isn't Love but
Lust and disgust and a sad lesson you had to learn.
When they're very abusive and use violence as a
way to control you or place in you fear for them.
Then you know what you have isn't of the Most High
because you would not receive a male from Him.
A Sister asked me to write a poem of how she Loves
and gets nothing but heartbreak coming back.
When your choices are made with your eyes and
not your heart you're in for a spiritual attack.
Sometimes our hearts can be fooled because true
Love is what we want to feel.
We all want someone who is caring and genuine
someone who is going to be in our lives so real.
Love doesn't make you a punching bag Love doesn't
make a fist or will it ever take out frustrations and fight.
Love won't ask you to do anything that is against your
beliefs but Love is about wanting to do what is right.
Keep your hands to yourself is what I was always told
but these males and females are void to common sense.
They are quick to want to fight and they just don't know
that they will pay dearly at their expense.
You see when someone hits you once they'll do it again
no matter how many times they say they're sorry too.
When someone doesn't care they will take out their
problems and the punching bag becomes you.
Violence against women and men is nothing but a demonic
spirit this is truly not of the Most High.
Why would He place you in something where you or the
both of you could die.
Women are sitting in jail for defending themselves from
a male who took advantage of them in a bad way.
Now behind bars because of an attack of the devil the
Sisters and Brothers have to stay.
You can have a heart filled with Love but if the one who
receives it can't give it then it's time to let go.
It is better to be alone than in bad company because this
is spiritual but physically he'll land the fatal blow.

Per request of Caroline
shelly david wright, poet

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