Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Your Eyes Deceive You

"Your Eyes Deceive You."

When we rely on our eyes alone when we desire
a mate we are already in the process upside down.
Our eyes are just a part of our flesh and the body
works in concert under shatan's direction I've found.
Unless you are called out of darkness your eyes deceive
you because the world we live in is nothing but a lie.
This is shatan's world in this age remember he was cast
down to earth to reign here by the Most High.
I know we tend to focus on that which is attractive to
our eyes but fail to remember shatan was attractive too.
Yah created him perfect in Beauty but his heart was in
darkness shatan's loveliness corrupted him like many of you.
No one is that fine or attractive we are decaying flesh that
is going back to the dust from where we came.
When we think we are all that because of the way we look
we are acting like our father and Lucifer was his name.
Children of the devil are all you are when you let your looks
go to your head and think you're all of that also.
This is frowned on by Yah this isn't cute or pretty to be
conceited by rotting flesh His anger you may well know.
Your eyes deceive you when you're going through tests as
well because the reality of what's going on you cannot see.
Shatan has blinded you to what is really going on when
you're of Yah all things work together for you spiritually.
I do have eyes and I look at those who are attractive but
I've learned to trust in Yah when He chooses a mate for me.
The outside may be as appealing to my eyes but they may be as
wicked as the devil and are poisoned inwardly.
It's time to close your eyes and feel the real Beauty of a
person hear with your heart and your ears as well.
Listen attentively to what they have to say because our
adversary comes in all forms to give you some Hell.
Our eyes deceive us especially when we openly reject a
person because of their size without getting to know them.
This is truly a spirit of the devil you need to deny your
flesh and in doing so you are dying to him.
I know I Love eyes and legs but more than that I Love
someone who is genuine and true.
With my eyes closed and my heart open to receive true
Beauty I'm awaiting for Yah to allow me to say I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

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