Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You Should Feel Like Trash

"You Should Feel Like Trash."

I saw this confusion on Worldstar where these
two whores were fighting because the other got burn.
They both were sleeping with the same male yet
they're fighting each other nothing they've learn.
There is a shortage of good men and women but an
abundance of whores and ass wipes out here.
Two whores fighting behind the whore they both
screwed the story here is very clear.
Sex in and of itself is empty with Lust as the spiritual
catalyst that makes people want to whore.
Yet they don't understand they got burned by more than
an STD but they now have demons in them galore.
Sex is more spiritual than physical you are giving
spirits open access to you and they will do you in.
Yah is not trying to stop you from having fun but He
is protecting you when He says whoring is sin.
Your body is a temple that houses spirits or His spirit but
if you're whoring it's not hard to see which one controls you.
When all you have on your mind is to please your flesh then
you are truly possessed by demons too.
You should feel like trash when you are played not by a
male but by shatan who has given you a disease.
Instead of fighting each other they need to be whipping
his ass together knock his whorish ass to his knees.
Truth to tell unless they're called to repent being burned
by a disease is nothing to being burned up in fire.
They need to realize that being a whore is not a wise choice
and it should never be anyone's heart's desire.
Shatan uses sex as a weapon to destroy you and invade
you with spirits to continue to do his will.
What you become is one of his children you know the
ones who drive up the murder rate when they kill.
You're missing the big picture here it's more than about
sex but your continued rebellion to the Most High.
He is going to throw all whores into the Lake of Fire read
for yourself in Revelations the book doesn't lie.
Without spot or blemish is what He's looking for so you
whores who are in church that's not going to save you at all.
The Lake of fire will be filled with the unrighteous along
with the devil Babylon is quickly starting to fall.

I hope they see this.
shelly david wright, poet

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