Thursday, December 22, 2011

Waiting is Hard but the Reward is Worth it

"Waiting is Hard but the Reward is Worth it."

When you're waiting on Yah as He prepares you it can
get hard but the reward will be worth it this I pray.
Because I'm being allowed to sow the seeds of His Love
through the poetry and I hope to reap my reward one day.
My reward would be His Love through the one whom He's
selected for me who just may be being prepared for me.
She may be praying for her chosen and her prayers will
be answered along when each other we one day see.
I know waiting can be hard and this is the time that the
devil will come up against you.
He will plant doubt if the wait is long he wants you to
believe what you're waiting for won't come through.
I know first hand because he is always planting doubt
in my flesh but I know that this is what he'll do.
If you aren't being attacked by the devil I would say
that chances are you may be serving him too.
Waiting and praying will build patience and character
for Yah is forming Himself as you wait in your temple.
Your steps will be right because He is allowing you to take
them where He is your walk will be simple.
I know many are praying for different things I'm Romantic
so I want nothing more than to have my long awaited mate.
I know I can't pick her I can't pick my nose correctly so
I have no other choice in the matter but to wait.
He is keeping me so when she appears the Love the both
of us will have will be a living testimony for those around us.
That we can live in harmony with Yah dwelling in us where
about the simple things there's no need to fuss.
As He is head of our lives we will know to rely on Him for
all provisions that we will need to have met.
Waiting for Yah when He's preparing us is hard but when
the reward is given it will be a day you'll never forget.
I have screamed, cried, and went temporarily insane while
waiting but it did not make Yah speed up the time one bit.
You see waiting is for your own good and when He feels
you are ready you'll get your reward in faith I'll admit.
Waiting is hard but the reward is well worth it when Yah
gives you more than you can imagine or conceive.
The Love I will have will have passion that will make the
Sun seem like a lit match this I can't wait to receive.

shelly david wright, poet

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