Tuesday, December 6, 2011

He is My Husband

"He is My Husband."

When this mindset comes into her hearing and
she realizes that's who I am for real.
Then more than I've ever felt before in my entire
life I will begin to feel.
When she feels this and the Love from her heart
will come flowing out and then I will know.
That we will have the sweetest life together as the
way Yah meant it to be as He is the one to make it so.
Right now I am waiting for her preparation and for
Yah to open her eyes as well as her heart so she can see.
That she was given someone very special who she can place
her trust in someone who is there for her when she looks at me.
When Yah places these thoughts in her hearing and heart I
won't have the chance to miss her because she'll always be near.
When I have all that I've prayed for come true before my eyes
I'll be more than overjoyed and happy I'll need a new word here.
We will then be a pair as it was meant from the very beginning
of our creation way back in eternity past.
Where Yah created us to be in a marriage as an example
to the world that was always meant to last.
Everything that Yah brings together is by design and has
a purpose to the plan that will bring high esteem to His name.
What we will have is His spirit dwelling within us as a pair
that will make us truly His being one and the same.
When Yah places it in her spirit that I am her husband
then so much Love from her I will experience in every way.
Those seeds of Love I will begin to reap in abundance as every
word of Beauty and Blessing ever written I'll see everyday.
I'll have my Love Story and my Romantic fantasy because
all the feelings of her heart Yah placed there she'll release.
I will have the fullness of her Love and appreciation an
abundance of heartfelt compassion and passion not just a piece.
When Yah places the mindset of I am her husband and
the gift that He has sent into her life from above.
I know I will indeed see fireworks explode in the bedroom
every time that we make heated steamy passionate Love.
I pray that by the time this poem is sent out I will have
the fulfillment of this poetry come to be so prophetic and true.
That she'll be the one who turns on the fire and the intimacy
that will make me want to say to her I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

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