Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I Want a Wife but Not No One Else's

"I Want a Wife but Not No One Else's."

There are many who don't mind sharing someone
else's spouse in fact they say they like it that way.
These are the ones who are being led by the devil
into many sorrows and believe me they will pay.
Sure they think it all feels good when you're stealing
it but you're already caught by the Most High.
You see when you have to answer for this sin it's not
just against the spouse but Yah this you can't deny.
When you go beyond the boundaries He's set you are
truly barking up the wrong tree.
What you think you're enjoying is going to come back
to haunt you when you face an abundance of misery.
Now is the time to repent turn around from your ways
and ask His forgiveness but this many aren't ready to do.
They feel they have it going on but they just don't know
how bad they are caught up and they're through.
What I've been given is new life and standards and morals
along with values and virtues that I write about.
You see I want the greatness of Yah and the fullness of His
blessing because Him I cannot live without.
Cheating is out of the question but with someone else's spouse
it ain't going to happen not as long as Yah is in me.
I used to hate getting fussed at and catching a whipping
so you know His wrath for stupidity I'm not trying to see.
I'm celibate because I respect Him and His authority I'm
no longer serving my flesh and the devil anymore.
I want my own wife and not anyone else's I want a Queen
that Yah will give me not a coveted whore.
Someone who was in darkness like I was who now has been
changed and has a different way of seeing life.
Someone who was once filled with lust but now knows true
Love who is able to give and receive it now this is a wife.
I want a wife but not anyone else's, I know that it's a sin
against the Most High to knowingly commit adultery.
This would be the last thing that I would ever want to do
it would be committing emotional and spiritual insanity.
I hope this poem will open some eyes because you would
not want this kind of thing to happen to you.
Well before you even consider sleeping with someone who
is married think about the wrath of Yah too.

shelly david wright, poet

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