Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Not for Love but Security

"Not for Love but Security."

There are many who have this mindset to get
with someone who has everything that they need.
Many will only date those with the things that will
give them the lifestyle but they should take heed.
Shatan is all about deception and this is just one of
his devices to destroy the institution that Yah created.
Marriage is what Yah has for His own to bring to the
level of Love that only a very few have truly appreciated.
Not for Love but security is what so many are seeking
after they've been in relationships that didn't work out well.
They said they'd never marry for Love but for money
but this is a mindset that will send them straight to Hell.
I know shatan has his gold diggers who are digging themselves
into so much regret and sorrow that they just can't see.
There's a price they'll pay for their greed, get, and gain
and many will reap it while in so much misery.
I know some see themselves in this glamorous lifestyle that
they see on TV but they just don't know.
That those who they see are Pied Pipers for shatan who
lead the blind and to the Lake of Fire many will go.
Why gain the whole world and lose your life as many are
sent this way through prosperity preaching.
This is truly a trick of shatan because in a time of a crashing
economy being content is what they should be teaching.
The only true security is in Yah because things are there
for a season before they will be taken away.
You see those who are truly in power have a game with
your minds and emotions that they're about to play.
For those who are caught up into the materialism they
will certainly pay a horrible price.
Shatan and his fallen are in these people and they're going
to show you a side to them that won't be nothing nice.
Not for Love but security, well first of all if they knew Love
this is something that they would never do.
A dollar must be placed on their very lives but when the
dollar becomes worthless I guess they will be too.
When I marry it will be for Love and Yah will be the one
who will join us and it will be a lasting one when we say I Do.
Because those who marry for reasons that shatan has placed
in their hearts suffer because drama is all they'll go through.

shelly david wright, poet

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