Wednesday, December 7, 2011



Rumors are lies straight from the devil who
created the original lie that he told to Eve.
You see her itching ears wanted to hear what
he had to say and of course he got her to believe.
Believing that lie really cost her as so many who
are telling these lies do today.
When you start one of these rumors all you're doing
is telling a lie so you had better watch what you say.
Everything you've ever said will come before you
death is not the end but Judgement before the Most High.
He is going to deal with all those who start the rumors
just like shatan you will be thrown in the Lake for telling a lie.
Rumors are bad enough but the one who believes and shares
the lie is just as bad because they're equally as guilty too.
Repenting from the sin of bearing a false witness is what
they had better go before Yah and do.
The Lake of Fire will be filled with the unrepented those
who will burn up and be reduced to ashes as Scriptures relay.
When you’re being used by shatan you are knocking on
death's door because when he's through he'll throw you away.
Rumors watch the Dog that carries the bone my Mother
used to tell me because those you cannot trust also.
Those who spread rumors are helping to tell the lie yet
their fate before Yah they do not know.
Rumors are lies straight from the devil a false witness
against someone with no facts to base this lie on.
Many are dead because they were used fully by the
devil and he destroyed them and they're gone.
What liars need to know is that Scriptures say they won't
be in the Kingdom of Heaven but they have a place.
Those who are filled with the works of the flesh from
whoring to lying the wrath of Yah they will have to face.
Rumors are just lies that only the foolish will
believe and the unclean spiritually would tell.
But the ones who will hurt the most aren't the ones they
lie on but the liars will go through Hell.
Rumors shut your mouth if nothing intelligent can come
out of it why hang yourself with lies.
There's nothing worse than those who stir up mess being
used by the devils they're as bad and disgusting as flies.

Slandering Someone is Sin
consider the source of the lies too.
shelly david wright, poet

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