Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The I Love You Lie

"The I Love You Lie."

Now this is one that is set up to deceive you words
that only a devil with no conscious would say.
Words that are filled with meaning and substance but
in the mouth of a fool should simply rot their teeth away.
This lie has destroyed so many lives and countless hearts
have been broken when these words were said too.
Only the father of lies and his children would be bold
and uncaring enough to tell someone this when it's not true.
To take the sweetest 3 words many ears have ever heard
and have them come from a devil that's really mean.
Just to get all they can get out of a person to break a heart
so legs they can get in between.
The words I Love You are very Beautiful but when a
devil with no feelings uses them it's a lie.
Words that should only be spoken by those who know their
true depth and meaning children chosen by the Most High.
I have heard the words spoken by those with their own
agenda and I'm sorry but those words they did not feel.
It is a shame that they were used by the adversary and
I'm sorry that what my ears heard wasn't real.
The Beautiful part is all that I've been through has
prepared me for the one who is destined to come into my life.
When the next time I hear those words it won't be a lie
and I pray this person will be sent to become my wife.
The I Love You lie is what it is when what they say isn't
true but just words that a child would say to you.
Yet those who are out here thinking they're gaining an
advantage have a high price from Yah to pay and they do.
These 3 words are the sweetest a caring heart longs to hear
it's like saying that you've won the powerball lottery.
Just a greater high that you feel because you're walking
on air you have an unspeakable Joy occurring inwardly.
When it's my turn to hear these words and I pray it will
be soon then I want to hear them said face to face.
With a smile that would make the Sun grab for the Foster
Grants a smile that would brighten the darkest place.
I will shout for Joy and praise Yah because this time it is
for real and I'm going to celebrate as never before.
Instead of hearing the I Love You lie but the truth from her
heart I will want my ears to hear her say more and more.

shelly david wright, poet

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