Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Curse God and Die

"Curse God and Die."

When you read the story of Job you will see where
this is what Job's wife told him to do.
She said the most hateful thing to her husband but I
know it was a result from all that she'd been through.
But imagine the hatred she felt for Job to tell him to
curse his Creator and then die.
She wanted no parts of him, not in her face, not on the
earth and she was extremely pissed with the Most High.
Curse God and die how evil can this statement be from
a spouse who had children for the man.
I know this is hard for many to imagine what she felt
and how angry she was but I know shatan can.
He clearly was the one who possessed her to speak this
way Job and his family were placed in his hand.
What you need to realize, this was a test for Job he had
to overcome shatan through his wife do you understand.
I know we can get angry but to take it to this level is
really going too far this is way too much.
With her sense and reality Job's wife through the
trauma of losing it all really lost touch.
Shatan is the author of confusion so you who are in
a marriage you should put this in a frame.
Because when he comes into your marriage like a storm
when he turns it upside down you'll never be the same.
The spirit of shatan is nothing nice but the story has
a happy ending for you who are in need of hope.
Yah can change any situation that you're going and
growing through and give you the strength to cope.
Yah changed Job's wife's heart and filled it with His Love
where she had 7 more children for him.
This is a witness for you who are in a troubled learning
experience to know Yah can fix and restore them.
I would admonish you to continue to pray for your spouse
that Yah will change them as He did with Job's wife.
Be encouraged that He will do the same thing for you
when you have Him in your life.
Curse God and die were her words to Job this man she
despised with all her heart as you can clearly see.
But Yah can turn any situation around and not only
restore but make it better than you could imagine it to be.

Inspired by Kim S. Watkins
shelly david wright, poet

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