Thursday, December 22, 2011

While They Can Still Hear You

"While They Can Still Hear You."

While those around you are still breathing you
should be wise and let them know how you feel.
You really need to know that life isn't guaranteed
they could be gone at any minute so you need to be real.
Saturday I was at a funeral but there are funerals
happening more frequently in our community.
Because of the dark spirits within us we have self
hatred and another black face we hate to see.
We are erasing each other like we are the wrong
answer on a test but the reality is this is sad.
We aren't seen in a positive light at all the media
paints with a broad brush as if we're all bad.
While they can still hear you need to tell them
how you feel and let go of the animosity.
Because grudges will destroy from the inside and
all it is, is a stronghold shatan has on you spiritually.
I tell my grown kids I Love them and we all need to tell
those around us who we care about the same thing.
Better yet show them with your actions, actions speak so
much louder than words and watch the happiness you bring.
We need to be about Our Father's business and that is to
seek His face first and all things will He give to you.
When He is in your life you will be directed on the right
path and serving Him you will gladly do.
I Love you because I don't take a dime for this work that
He's allowed me to share.
What I do is from the heart and I will get blessed by it
because Yah always shows His own how much He cares.
While they can still hear and are breathing let them
know how you feel show them your Love everyday.
When you speak be respectful and Loving give them
what they need to hear and see in a special way.
To my readers who read and share these poems I really
Love you because the Father has blessed me to.
Give you a word that is needed like I am the one who
knows exactly what you're going and growing through.
While you are still able to see hear and read I will give
you the words of encouragement and Love He gives to me.
I promise not to sugar coat a thing for you if possible
but I will come at you real with all honesty.

shelly david wright, poet

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