Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I Love How We Make Up

"I Love How We Make Up."

Into life a little rain must fall and the disagreements
that the adversary starts come into play.
We need to know when to take low and be humble
but sometimes the flesh will have its way.
When the two of us have a disagreement or make
a mistake we make up in a way that's so sweet.
When we make up we really kiss and make up and
from there our fun makes our night together complete.
I Love how we make up with so much passion and lots
of intensity after we realize life is too short.
To go to bed angry at each other when we know that
the only enemy is shatan when you have Love in your heart.
We will not always agree on things this is just a part
of growing together learning to be one.
We must deny self and put the other first this is the way
that the Most High wants things done.
Arguments will happen because shatan is alive and well
and he wants to keep up confusion in your life.
So wives be forgiving and this too I tell you husbands that
you should be forgiving to your wife.
I Love how we make up but I would rather not have the
confusion in our lives in the first place.
We don't need to interrupt the harmony of our flow when
we have to get in each other’s face.
Understanding and Love is a learning course that as
we die to self we must gain through the Most High.
While we are on this journey shatan will take anything
and throw it at you believe me he will test you no lie.
The mouth that isn't under control can say things in the
flesh that you will want to so badly take back.
Our flesh are tools that shatan can fully access when we
are used by him against our mates a spiritual attack.
We all fall on the way to completion that Yah has
for us when in our temples He will move into.
When we are finally filled with Yah's spirit we will like
Shaul who said that all things through the Messiah he can do.
I Love the way we kiss and make up and you work it to
the point I'm calling out your name.
I know as long as shatan is in business things will happen
for all confusion shatan gets the blame.

shelly david wright, poet

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