Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Emotionally Exhausted

"Emotionally Exhausted."

This morning I stayed in bed until almost 9 AM
I went to bed and slept well but I'm just tired today.
All that I've been going and growing through
and I really need the product that takes me away.
I'm emotionally exhausted and tired of waiting for this
ongoing episode in my life to change by the Most High.
It has me very tired emotionally and it's affecting me
physically this I cannot deny.
Remember all things are by design and this was given
to me and Yah knows right now just how I feel.
He knows that I'm tired because it's been an up and down
ride but He knows what I'm doing is in His will.
The Beautiful part is all things are worked out already
we just can't see them now but pretty soon we shall see.
How when things start to turn around the smile will return
and there will be new Joy found bubbling inside of me.
Right now this exhaustion I feel is good because when I
get my breakthrough it will feel so much better too.
If you patiently waited for something then there would be
no excitement but if you're nervous the Joy comes out in you.
When you don't feel it or see it coming and you're tired and
disgusted this is the time where in your life Yah can shine.
This is what I'm praying that He will do when He makes me
a real believer and gives me a HalleluYah moment in mine.
Scriptures say get angry and sin not well it's emotional to
get that way especially while you're waiting on change also.
But Yah is not a male where He passes out empty promises
what He has promised He will deliver you had better know.
I'm emotionally exhausted and shatan is doing his job in
making me doubt he knows everything is already done.
Just getting from the point of Promise to Fulfillment is
where he comes in against you and it's no fun.
The reality is that the desires of your heart are the ones Yah
has placed in your spirit He is telling you what He'll do.
Every word from His mouth you can believe in and
what you're hoping for will come true.
I'm emotionally exhausted and very tired but I know in
my spirit that what I'm yearning for will come and not be late.
What looks like confusion now to me is what He is preparing
and molding in my life to be my mate.

shelly david wright, poet

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