Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ever Hear of Devotion and Commitment

"Ever Hear of Devotion and Commitment."

You know it's sad when males and females alike are
afraid of true devotion and commitment I've found.
They would rather take their chance going from whore
to whore it's a spirit of the devil to whore around.
I was in darkness too but I desire to have someone who
I can be faithful to someone who is not afraid to give her all.
Truly in Love with someone who is sent from my Father
deeply in Love will I fall.
Since I've been changed from what I used to be
spiritually I see things so differently.
Instead of in bed with a whore I'd rather be there with a
wife who truly has my best in mind who is there for me.
Instead of bringing sexy back let's bring back old fashioned
morals and values and set standards in their lives.
There is nothing wrong with men being fully committed
to their marriages and their wives.
1 is good enough for me I don't need a spare except in the
car why should I want to ever sneak around or cheat.
You see those who think they're sly, and slick, are really
wicked and a date with the Most High they will meet.
Life is about reaping and sowing believe it or not you will
indeed have to give an account for everything that you do.
That's why I know to treat everyone with Love and respect
because those seeds I sow I'm praying to reap in abundance too.
I know that I must set the standard before the Most High for
although I write He gives me what to say in the poetry.
I may sign my name to it but all that I'm inspired to write is
actually coming through me.
You know this is spiritual because what I'm writing the flesh
simply wants to be fed so the truth it will deny.
But at the end of the day when you willingly sin after
knowing it's wrong you have to deal with the Most High.
Better for me to send out an unpopular message than to
be dealt with in a very harsh way.
I would rather give you what you need instead of what
you want to hear from Yah through His spirit any day.
Devotion and commitment along with loyalty, faithfulness,
respect, honor, and Love is what's in my spirit to write about.
Because the drama that will follow after you mess over yourself
by hurting someone you'll reap without a doubt.

shelly david wright, poet

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