Thursday, December 22, 2011

Well Why Does He Leave Me this Way

"Well Why Does He leave Me this Way."

If it's not good for man to be alone well why does He
Leave me this way.
I'm lonely and lonesome and I've been asking Him
for a wife yes I ask the Most High nearly everyday.
He that finds a wife finds a good thing well I thought
by now after all these years of waiting and celibacy.
That He would allow me to meet the one that was chosen
from the very beginning for me.
If it's not good for the man to be alone and He created
marriage why am I still single when I don't want to be.
I want to be joined to my spouse and for us to become one
standing before Him as we recite our vows of matrimony.
Well why does He leave me alone and when He knows how
emotional I am and how much I want to be Loved too.
I know there are some who don't have this problem and I
know there are many who are seeking a mate who do.
Shatan will send us a counterfeit mate a disappointing
learning experience is what I call them.
Shatan hears us when we pray out loud to Yah and those
who you think are from Yah are coming from him.
I've had my share of disappointments and now I want to
be in a relationship that has a foundation of true Love.
With a Beautiful woman who He has given to me one I
was joined to when we were created in Heaven above.
But right now I'm not happy and I'm yearning for the
one who compliments and completes me my only one.
I want to be joined to my chosen and be a living example
as the Scriptures speak about the Father and the Son.
If it's not good for the man to be alone well why is He
allowing me in this horrible condition to stay.
I'm devoted to making a woman happy I Love the
Romance and the flowers and games I do not play.
I know things are done in time and I pray that my time
is drawing near because I want to share my life.
I want to be the man in Proverbs 31 who is very happy
because I know I want the virtuous wife.
I know it's not good for a man to be alone because it's
killing me inside when I'm so emotional and sensitive also.
I pray that He doesn't leave me this way much longer
because the one I'm crying out for He allows me to get to know.

shelly david wright, poet

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