Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Physical Relationships Just Don't Work

"Physical Relationships Just Don't Work."

If a male is not willing to marry you but want to
have you sexually you had better let him go.
You see you need a man and not a male the
difference between the two you had better know.
I know many of you have had failed relationships
that only benefited the one that slept with you.
You see as long as you're giving yourself away as
if you were worthless this a male will do.
When you settle for sex instead of Love then with
your mind, heart, and body and a price you will pay.
Many have memories that could fill a book of mistakes
they've made when with them a male had a holiday.
Physical relationships just don't work when you have
your heart and mind to consider as well.
Why play the game that shatan has given a male to
play on you when the end result is emotional Hell.
I haven't been in that many relationships but on 1 hand
you can count them because I grew up very shy.
But those I had I now see as learning experiences that
have prepared me for my Queen sent from the Most High.
Physical relationships don't work if it's based on sex it
will be an exercise in insanity or emotional suicide.
It's sad that many don't understand that sex is special
because it's spiritual there are many who are still Soul tied.
To you my Sisters and Brothers sex is cheap but Lovemaking
is Beautiful when your heart is right with Yah above.
You see I would not touch no one just to feed my flesh when
my mindset is to say I Do from a heart filled with Love.
When you're lonely you may tend to settle but you should
be aware that settling has an adverse affect on you also.
When they aren't worthy of you trouble will come into
your life and the drama and the demons from it will show.
Physical relationships don't work because with your flesh
you serve the devil until Yah comes in and takes you out.
You see anything that isn't based on true Love or with
the spirit of Yah will not work this I have no doubt.
To you who are out here looking don't settle for sex but
desire Love and to be appreciated by a man not a male.
There is a real difference between the two where one will
be there for you, you the other one will fail.

shelly david wright, poet
13th poem written today
Praise Yah for His spirit

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