Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can You Forgive For That Mistake

"Can You Forgive for that Mistake."

My Brother Alfred inspired this one when he says
everybody makes mistakes but can you forgive them.
You see we make mistakes ourselves but to not forgive
another's mistakes won't get you forgiveness from Him.
Yah forgives us of our mistakes and because we are
still in this flesh we will make them I still do.
Our lives are learning experiences but it gets worse
when you still have the devil in you.
Can you forgive that mistake is the question say your
spouse goes out and has an affair and comes back.
I know out of anger and hurt of this betrayal many will
go to extremes and their spouse they'll attack.
Where many will suffer the emotional attack that the
devil has brought with hatred into their life.
My question is if your husband asks for forgiveness
will you be that understanding or forgiving wife.
You have the grounds for divorce when this act of
infidelity they commit.
If you find yourself emotionally messed up by what
has happened you have the right to quit.
I'm sorry isn't good enough sometimes when a heart
has been broken but the truth you should know.
That any act of cheating is of the devil from an unclean
heart cheating has nothing to do with Love I'm telling you so.
Because it’s faithfulness and devotion it will be committed
to doing what's right and it will be honorable too.
Love will always seek to do the will of the Most High and
no drama Love will ever send you through.
Everybody makes mistakes but can you forgive that mistake
and I'll say no unless you have the spirit of the Most High.
To say you can and you have the devil still in you then
just like your father you're just telling a lie.
Love is about forgiveness and hope when someone you
Love slips up you'll be understanding and work it out.
Not of your own but the spirit of Yah dwelling in you I
know it will be because you're forgiven I have no doubt.
Can you forgive that mistake when someone makes it
without Yah in you I will say no even though you say you'll do.
Forgiveness is forgetting also not bringing it up later and then
throwing it in their faces as many of you do.

shelly david wright, poet

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