Tuesday, December 6, 2011

H.P.V. isn't High Priced Vagina

"H.P.V. isn't High Priced Vagina."

Now for those who are going down could be down
if their diet is laced with H.P.V.
Oral Cancer is the new penalty for you putting
your mouth down south and it's sad to see.
Once again the devil is in the mix and he is the
one who put the thought that eating is what you do.
But he is not going to get throat cancer from eating
what you can't cook this curse will be on you.
I know having morals and standards aren't any fun
virtues and values is what you should have today.
Because shatan is out here as a Lion and he is devouring
the lost and when you fall into his hands you become his prey.
Sure you ask who are you hurting besides yourself, well who
do you think those who are close to you really care too.
When you hurt yourself you never suffer alone but heartache
you send someone else through.
This is called a 2 for 1 deal where shatan takes you out and
those who care go down the emotional drain with you also.
But I'm sure that what you desire in a lustful way sounds
good but the cost for your actions you'd be wise to know.
I know some of what I write isn't pleasing to your flesh and
you probably wonder if I do as I write.
You see I was in darkness too I used to be out there but now
I have been given some spiritual insight.
I'm being used to send out these messages that they will
reach those who they were meant to.
The words talk to them and their situations it's like what's
happening in their lives I knew.
My advice is to flee from the wrath of the Most High and
to turn around from eating what's not on a restaurant menu.
Because there's a trap set up by the devil they not only have H.P.V.
but something far worse and you know it's true.
I know many will continue to do as directed by shatan after
all I listened to him but thank Yah I don't anymore.
Because we are truly in the last days and he has some very
imaginative ways to destroy you in store.
H.P.V. isn't High Priced Vagina but a death sentence for
the cursed one who goes down and eat.
Shatan wants you to eat and be happy and at the same time
literally go down in defeat.

shelly david wright, poet

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