Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It Wasn't a Brick but a Bar of Gold

"It Wasn't a Brick but a Bar of Gold."

When others had you in their life they did not know
what they had in their hands a treasure to behold.
They thought they had a brick but could not see your
true worth and did not know that they had pure gold.
There is none so blind as he who will not see and blindness
seems to be what this world is full of.
They are consumed with Lusts and works of the flesh
and could not comprehend the fullness of Love.
It wasn't a brick but a bar of gold that many had but
once I'm blessed to have you in my hands this I'll know.
I know that you are more than I've ever known or had
in my life and I plan on never letting you go.
I've had a brick and now I've got a chance to have gold
and you must be favored to know the difference you see.
Yah has opened my eyes and I Love what I see you are
truly a bar of gold a lady of the finest quality.
You are a bar of gold and your value is worth more
than all the gold ever mined or this world could hold.
In my heart you're a Heavenly creation that I'm blessed
to have come into my life if the truth be told.
Many who have had you in the past did not know that
your Beauty is more than eyes will ever see totally.
The physical is nice but I need so much more and I Love
what the Most High has given to me inwardly.
You are more than the brick many have had in their lives
and the bar of gold is just an example but you're far more.
Only when we are finally united as husband and wife will
I know what I really have in store.
You're not a brick but a bar of gold the most valuable
bar of gold that came from Heaven down to me.
You are all that I have prayed for and so much I could
have never conceived you're truly part of the Heavenly.
I Love what my life has become since you're in it and for
the first time I know the meaning of Joy and happiness.
When I see your pretty brown eyes I see myself in a new
way and my heart beats for you I must confess.
You are more than others could have ever known and
you were different then but Yah is changing you also.
You are a treasure and I'm glad you're mine I praise
Him that you are truly the best I shall ever know.

shelly david wright, poet

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