Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Forgiveness and Understanding

"Forgiveness and Understanding."

We all make mistakes and when we do we need
to have the understanding to forgive those who do.
Forgiveness and understanding is what we need to show
those who've made a mistake and caused a problem for you.
He that is without sin cast the first stone well then if you
are that Righteous then you don't need a savior after all.
You won't need anyone to say I'm sorry to or to catch
you when you fall.
I've made my share of mistakes as this life is a learning
experience I've done and said things I couldn't take back.
When we are in the flesh spirits can access our bodies
and launch against another a spiritual attack.
We all have sinned and come short and as we grow we
will make mistakes so pointing a finger is just wrong.
Many who would do this I'd consider to be hypocritical
and the same thing may befall them before too long.
We all are works in progress and we are not growing
in understanding at the same pace.
Spiritual maturity is different for many and the one
in the mirror is the one you need to face.
Self inventory is needed because we aren't where we should
be but through Yah we will get there believe me.
There are those who will hold a grudge against someone
but they need to let that go so they can be free.
Holding on to a hurt can and will destroy you only the
Most High can bring you out of something that bad.
We all need to hear a word to heal our hearts and have
a smile replace the look that was sad.
Forgiveness for someone who has wronged you and then
there's understanding when they come to you to apologize.
You need to be the bigger person to say I'm sorry or to
accept I'm sorry for unforgiveness you should despise.
For we all ask for the forgiveness of Yah and we want Him to
understand how sorry we are for the sins committed against Him.
We want Him to overlook our weakness and help build us
up to forget all our sins every one of them.
Forgiveness and understanding is impossible if you don't
have Love within you if your heart isn't right.
Forgiveness and understanding is just a part of growth
to achieve Yah's spiritual insight.

shelly david wright, poet

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