Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I'm the Kind You Marry

"I'm the Kind You Marry."

The others may be good to play around with but
I'm the kind you marry.
Where the others may want to hit it and quit it
I'm the one who'll give you his last name to carry.
I'm the one who doesn't play the game and commitment
and being devoted to you are truly on my mind.
When you were led to me by the Most High then a good
thing and a Loving man He allowed you to find.
Where the others you've met were males and have hurt
you in one way or another your whole life through.
I'm the one who will be understanding who will be very
considerate and who will accept the children too.
I'm not high mileage in my adult years I've only had 3
physical relationships in my life.
I've been celibate since my marriage ended so I'll be a special
gift of intimacy to unwrap for the one who'll be my wife.
I'm not the kind to play with your heart and would
not take advantage of you.
I'm the kind who is looking for a Queen someone who can
Love and wants to be Loved I'll gladly say to her I Do.
I'm not the kind to say what you want to hear but the truth
and only the words that will touch your heart as well.
I won't get in your heart to invade your privacy then after
getting all that I want send you emotionally straight to Hell.
I'm the one who will be true and be there for you through
sickness and in health through good and bad times also.
I am the one who is proud to say I have standards and morals
in my life virtues and values through Yah I now know.
I'm not the kind to want someone else's wife but my own wife
and sex doesn't excite me so cheating you won't see.
When I say I Love You it is from the heart and I do understand
what I say because the true Love of Yah lives in me.
I'm not the kind you have for a season or as a plaything I'm
the kind you bring home to introduce to everyone.
I'm the kind who has matured through the storm and has
had my own heartbreaks so breaking hearts is never done.
I'm the kind that when it's all said and done you choose to
be the one who you'll spend your life with forever more.
I'm the one when you look back at the ones who've been with
you and through you you'll thank Yah and me you'll adore.

shelly david wright, poet

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