Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are You Happy

"Are You Happy."

I was in the Quarters working on the set when
Laquita told me this is the question she heard.
From guys who can clearly see the ring on her
finger after hearing that I could hardly say a word.
I guess it doesn't matter to these demons just don't be
evil enough to do it to them.
They don't mind sleeping with someone else's wife
but will have a nuclear melt down if you do it to him.
Are you happy is the question asked but it's not like
they're going to be any better if they had the chance.
The only thing they want is to fill a female’s head with
empty promises just to get into her pants.
It is sad what we've become in our own communities
we're murderers, whores, very wicked and evil too.
We have no morals or standards no values or virtues
anything shatan tells us we gladly do.
Are you happy is the question they ask the married
woman as if a difference they will make.
Those who lack understanding and sense will only
cause the foolish and silly lots of heartache.
When I see a ring on the finger that is a sign to back
off because that is someone else's property.
Do unto others as you want done to you so I don't play
around because I don't want this to happen to me.
You see I've learned that the seeds that you are out here
spreading a bountiful harvest you shall reap.
Many who are whoring now are paying the price
where more are lying 6 feet deep.
Are you happy, if she's not it's not your business it's
between her and her husband and you don't need to know.
If you whores only knew what was good for you
believe me on your knees for forgiveness you would go.
I want my own wife and no one else's no matter how
attractive they are and how sweet.
I know that Yah can give me the desires of my heart
someone who will make my life complete.
Laquita I know you are happy and you are blessed to
have a marriage as I hope to meet my spouse one day.
An old woman who is pretty like yourself would be a
good thing from Heaven I would say.

Title by: Mrs. Laquita Brooks, happily married
shelly david wright, poet

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