Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Wake Up Call to My Sisters

"A Wake Up Call to My Sisters."

Number 1 his Momma ain't no Hoe or a Bitch so why
should you be I'm sorry if he's too dumb to know your name.
2 is you females need to learn and respect yourselves
out of your name calling among yourselves is a shame.
You need to learn to say no, you need to learn self worth
and your value isn't found in the tender spot below.
As long as you think sex is the thing that makes you a
woman you will always be called a Hoe.
You need to learn that you're a Queen who is waiting
for a King nothing less than Love you should take.
You should never settle for anything or anyone who isn't
worthy of you because it will cause your heart to break.
This is a wake up call to my Sisters who need to know you
are more than the names that a blind male or females call you.
Realize my Sisters that a war is going on spiritually and
just like Eve was attacked the same thing the devil will do.
In our communities we have more disease and single parent
families teenage pregnancy is at an all time high.
You need to know that unless he is ready to commit to you
as his spouse sex to anyone you should deny.
I know this may sound old fashion but the truth is there's
a price for all of your actions that you must pay.
You have to answer to the Most High for everything that's
done the seeds you've sown you'll have to reap one day.
Why even fight over these whores when his penis gets hard
he will tell you anything and your girlfriends too.
He has no conscious because he's filled with demons just
like he's had you he'll have them, all he can get he'll go through.
Anyone who has come from a woman who treats women
like trash has problems and spirits associated with them.
They are under the control and the direction of the devil
you can trust he is getting his marching orders from him.
Many of you Sisters are just as whorish and you need to
stop learn the difference between a male and a man.
A male talks the trash that you listen to and a man will
tell you what you need to hear as only a real man can.
This is a wake up call to my Sisters who need to really
open your eyes and smell the coffee as it is burning hot.
You need to know about spreading knowledge among
yourselves and not your legs I hope this message you've got.

shelly david wright, poet

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