Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A.C. Is More than Air Conditioning

"A.C. Is More than Air Conditioning."

As hot as it is A.C. should stand for Air Conditioning
but not at the 2nd lines.
It stands for Ass Cheeks for those who are starving
for attention who want to show their behinds.
First of all some of what you see is darker than the
stuff that I put on my tires.
Crusty comes to mind, trifling too so it makes you
wonder who would truly admire.
A female who is a walking advertisement for Low to
no self esteem maybe no morals or standards also.
It is sad that the truth about themselves being the
Queens of the earth they really do not know.
This is society’s fault as a whole the Village has abandoned
its responsibilities to the young to teach them to do right.
When we became integrated into this insanity and we
weren't allowed to discipline our children they began to fight.
You see I have a daughter and many who I claim as my
daughters and that's why I write to give them insight.
Because as we're burying our male children from self hatred
it's time for us to see the light.
Self destruction is all by the design of demons and our children
are playing into their hands as you can clearly see.
We need the help of the Most high because we're neck deep
in a hole that’s swallowing so many entirely.
Love has to become more than a sweet word for the bedroom
and become action where we must take a stand.
Because we have a crisis going on in our community
this has really gotten out of hand.
Ass Cheeks are just the visible signs of a much greater
problem that many have but all they need is real Love.
They need guidance that must come from home and
a belief in a high power that comes from above.
Nothing is sexy about showing the dark rings of your
behind and sexy they need to flee totally.
Lady like should be the mindset because anyone can be
a whore it takes no serious training and requires no degree.
Ass Cheeks and what's next well when you have an unclean
spirit everything you think will get you attention you'll show.
I'll be the first one to say I Love some nice legs but showing
your ass in them baby shorts really has to go.

shelly david wright, poet
I welcome your comments on this.

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