Wednesday, October 26, 2011



This is the name a male associate calls females
who don't look good to him.
This has been used many times by this person and
to the females he's labeled many of them.
It's the same as when the word ugly is used this
is immature and superficial and reeks of ignorance.
Making fun of a person who isn't up to their standards
at their expense.
What we need to realize is the flesh that holds
our spirit is decaying everyday.
Going back to the dust from where it came it's deteriorating
aging for we were formed out of clay.
Critters is a derogatory remark just like ugly and nappy
that we aim and shoot at each other with skill.
It is a blessing to each of us that the words we spit out
don't have the power to kill.
Physical Beauty is temporary no one stays physically
attractive unless there's plastic surgery.
We need to stop looking on the outside but the inside
of a person to look inwardly.
There are some who are attractive who are so conceited
who have hearts that are filled with evil to the core.
These are the ones like Delilah who Samson was tricked
by who screwed him as never before.
She led him into the hands of his enemies and nearly
destroyed him if it were not for the Most High.
Yet for all his skirt chasing for something he thought
was all that he with them had to die.
Let’s be honest I Love to look at attractive Sisters
and you know I Love big nice legs and thighs.
These are the parts on a Sister that I Love to see
and will always catch my eyes.
But the most important part is her heart and what
comes from it and how well she can communicate with me.
No matter what she looks like the Beauty that I
need to see and feel must come from where I can't see.
Critters is a cruel way to describe someone who you
feel isn't up to your standards but who are you.
The Most High created everything Beautiful even
shatan he was created perfect in Beauty too.

shelly david wright, poet

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