Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Remnant of a Soul Tie

"The Remnant of a Soul Tie."

A Soul tie is created when dark spirits gain access
to you and it happens mostly through sexual intercourse.
They come in when you open yourself up to sex you
give them permission when you sin they don't come by force.
What many don't understand is yes Yah created sex but
He also created it to be enjoyed in marriage only.
Yet shatan gave it to everyone to enjoy but the repercussions
of Yah's anger and a Soul tie of spirits you'll see.
Shatan uses sex to gain entrance and get you to sin at the
same time sinning against Yah is what he makes you do.
You see sex is easy to get it's like candy but when you
have too much you will get tooth decay too.
Well the decay is the rotting away of your emotions
after relationship after relationship takes place.
When you have multiple sexual relationships over time
a spiritual invasion inside you have to face.
Even after you've long stopped getting your Privacy invaded
those spirits are still there they do not just go away.
As long as they can make you suffer from depression and
bitterness they'll make your life miserable so they stay.
When you see mean and miserable people you can bet there's
a spirit that is associated with them having a Soul tie.
When they thought they were having the time of their life
having sex they never knew that emotionally they'd die.
Everything comes at a cost when shatan gives it to you and
you're going to pay in full you just don't know it yet.
There's many who are messed up emotionally filled with spirits
of jealousy, envy, and disgust of relationships they want to forget.
Many still have remnants of a Soul tie within them and
they're not happy because those spirits won't allow them to be.
Now add to the equation children who have those spirits
too and now a real mess of a generational curse you'll see.
Unless Yah awakens them and cleans them of these spirits
they will be bound and held captive hurting emotionally.
The devil will deceive you by giving you something that your
flesh desires, sex and things, yet you'll suffer spiritually.
The remnant of a Soul tie, sex is a serious matter it's not a
game that with your body and spirit you should play.
What you may experience may be pleasing to your flesh
but it will come at a price that you're not ready to pay.

Sex outside Yah's will is serious
shelly david wright, poet

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