Saturday, August 20, 2011

A True Story of a Fool

"A True Story of a Fool."

I was a happily married man with two kids until
I met this youngster one night.
We talked and one thing led into another and what
I did to her and against my wife and family wasn't right.
We had sex and it was the best ever she made me feel
like I didn't want to ever touch my wife anymore.
So I left and moved in with her I thought I was in Love
but I was whipped as I've never in my life been before.
Soon what I thought was mine desired another and she
said that she needed room and I had to get away.
You see I left my wife and children for this female and now
on me she was cheating she brought another guy in to stay.
I was broken because how could she do such a thing I wouldn't
cheat on her how could she break my heart and cheat on me.
Well the grass was not greener on the other side for her either
because when he found out we were in contact he beat her severely.
She cried out to me and I got her to press charges and she took
me back only to be thrown out later upon his return.
You would think that after all of that I would come to my senses
and from what she did to me I would learn.
Well after trying to kill her for the first time he attacked her
once more and there I go back into harm's way to the rescue.
My friend said this isn't going to turn out good because of what
I did to my wife but her stuff is good what am I to do.
This is a true story as told to me so I had to write about it in
hopes that this will help someone else who reads this.
The grass is never greener on the other side and your flesh is
directed by shatan so die to it daily your flesh you must resist.
What he thought was good stuff/pussy was a Soul tie because
sex is more spiritual than many who engage in it know.
When you're out there sleeping around a Soul tie is created
and some wicked seeds against the Most High you sow.
This is the true story of a fool who isn't the first to abandon
his or her family for someone who they thought was new.
But shatan's spirit is found in many who are living in sin
those who are whores for the devil who really screw you.
This story is going to be an unhappy ending if AIDS or
her other male fool and him meet up and have it out one day.
This story is just an example of the power of shatan in the lives
of many and that's why we should for the foolish pray.

Please spread this like that thing spreads her legs
Adultery can lead to Death, it's still a commandment.
shelly david wright, poet

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