Thursday, August 18, 2011

What Does He Think About

"What Does He Think About."

The question you need to ask yourself what does he
think about after he's had you.
You may think you're all that but after he's gone
off in you he may think you're just a whore too.
Think about it he's played you with sweet words
and said all the right things you wanted to hear.
He made you laugh he did the song and dance
he had to do whispering little nothings in your ear.
What does he think about after he's had the one he
always wanted well it's time to move on to the next one.
After he's been through you and gotten what he's
wanted your special time in his life is done.
This is what will happen and worst when a male is
in your life.
And by giving yourself away you don't think much
of yourself or you're good enough to even be a wife.
Until you Love and treasure yourself you won’t get the respect
you deserve and one word you need to learn is No.
You see the hit it and quit it mentality where a female is
used and abused by males certainly has to go.
I have a Mother, Sisters, and a Daughter who I care
about so I wouldn't want this evil done to them.
That's why if they don't think that way or they're not
even considerate of females you need to watch him.
Because the mindset of I gotta get mine is a selfish one
where there's no responsibility if a child they'll conceive.
First they want to jump ship and not be seen because
help other than Child Support many don't receive.
What does he have on his mind when he's ejaculated
and he's laying there tired after the conquest.
You can bet that it won't be how good you are and how
you'd make a good wife this he'll never address.
Like so many females who gave their hearts and their
bodies who were used and left after a belly rose.
You see when you give the Milk for free or think that
sex is a recreational sport they will step on your toes.
What he isn't thinking about is marrying you if he's a
whore but about what he'll do when he gets erect again.
When you give yourself to someone who only cares about
having sex with you his Love for you will be pretend.

shelly david wright, poet

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