Monday, August 22, 2011

Close Your Legs and Open Your Eyes

"Close Your Legs and Open Your Eyes."

It is my hope that you would close your legs and open
your eyes so you can truly see.
That you will never be Loved or appreciated as long
as you disrespect yourself and give yourself away for free.
When there's no value except in what you wear but not
in yourself a male and not a man will take advantage of you.
He is going to seize the moment because he can see that for
attention going to bed with him you will do.
Close your legs and open your mind to thinking just how
many Sisters out here who have been hurt this way.
Some are bitter and broken messed up emotionally by
the games their hearts allowed a devil in their lives to play.
Getting nothing more than empty promises and wet behinds
being nothing more than a toilet for him to ejaculate.
What many don't really seem to understand is that males
who have no Love within them are truly full of hate.
Hate is all it is when you abandon and abuse a female
who is giving herself to you intimately.
Sex doesn't make you an adult but when you're not in
something fully committed it's an act or irresponsibility.
Males can't get pregnant but they can pass off disease
and spirits that will result in a troublesome Soul tie.
Where you will be connected to someone who does not
want you who will never tell you the truth but lie.
Close your legs and open your heart to Love yourself
and cherish and treasure the Beautiful person you can be.
Because no matter what you see in the mirror or the
compliments you get you're far more than your body.
Close your legs and open yourself up to the reality that
you are important and you're no one's whore to play House.
Instead of proving your Love to him he needs to prove
his Love to you by making you his spouse.
I hope that this will make you close your legs and open
your heart and mind to read this and it will take hold.
Because it's not what's between your legs is so precious
but the complete person should be more than gold.
Close your legs and open your mouth and learn to always
until the time is right just say No.
Because you don't need to be filled with his sperm and
spirits the dumb stuff in your life truly has to Go.

You're much more than your Body
shelly david wright, poet

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