Friday, August 26, 2011

Who Takes Love Very Seriously

"Who Takes Love Very Seriously."

I want Yah to introduce me to someone who takes
Love very seriously.
Someone who is capable of being Loved because
He has healed them from the heartache it used to be.
Someone who is spiritually mature and who I can grow
with and become one in His sight.
Someone who takes being Loved and being in Love seriously
who truly is my Heavenly Father's delight.
A Beautiful woman who hates the games who wants and
desires to be Loved and appreciated too.
Someone who knows that she is a treasure to be cherished
a precious Gem from Yah's crown and a real dream come true.
I want to meet someone who takes Love seriously
who through Yah's spirit can feel it in her heart also.
A Lady who will indeed be more than I could ever pray
for and someone who the Most High she does know.
Someone who may have a child or children who I can
call my own and we can be before Him a real family.
This would be a gift of Love that I can be responsible
for someone special and her own sent to me.
I know I'm not alone here because I can imagine after
feeling true Love in your heart you want the same.
Someone who will know special when they see it and will
want you to have their last name.
Someone who will know how to be honorable and not
disrespect themselves or them by only wanting to play house.
Someone who is trying to win the approval of Yah by doing
His will and in doing so making that person their spouse.
I take Love seriously so with a heart I would not play
because I have been played with emotionally before.
I knew it was an attack of the devil so I've forgiven them
but I still don't want to feel the way I felt anymore.
As you have read and have felt the words I have a Love
that I'm waiting to share with my one and only special mate.
Like many of you who have a heart filled with Love and too
are looking to be Loved and like me can't hardly wait.
Someone who is willing to take a chance with me who takes
Love very seriously who wants to be a pair for life.
If you're ready to end the journey of being alone and ready
to start life anew then I will gladly ask you to become my wife.

Something Sweet with feelings,
shelly david wright, poet

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