Saturday, August 20, 2011

Confined But Not Cut Off

"Confined but Not Cut Off."

To my Sisters who are incarcerated I'm writing
to encourage and inspire and to give you hope.
To share a Love that's in my heart with words that
will give you the strength to cope.
I want you to know that although your bodies may
be confined your spirits are free and soon you shall be too.
Keep your head up toward the Most High and know
that He truly knows what you're going and growing through.
There's always hope and forgiveness there's a
reason for everything and a solution for problems also.
Yah is in charge and still in control and those who
call out to Him in their lives He will show.
To my Sisters who read the poetry I'm thankful
so much that this I had to write.
I hope the words bring smiles to your eyes and in your
hearts these words you hear me recite.
You are confined but you're still special and you're still
Beautiful and wonderful as you will always be.
I appreciate you all for reading what the Most High
has inspired so here is one special piece of poetry.
To my Sisters who are going to always be special who
were created in the image and likeness of the Most High.
Your bodies are confined but never your minds and hearts
you are free to Love and be Beautiful this no one can deny.
We are all in some kind of challenge in one way or another
and shatan is doing his job and trouble we can find ourselves in.
Just know that whatever the devil throws at us may hurt us
for a moment the war he will never ever win.
You're confined but not cut off from the Love of Yah He is
in the hope and forgiving business and your heart He knows.
You need to know and believe that you're very special
to Him that's why these words through me He chose.
To my Sisters it's going to be alright and I know that you are
missing those you Love especially your family.
I know they miss you too but know this there's always hope
so keep your hearts stayed on Yah where they should be.
You may be confined but not cut off from Yah He is there
with You and His Love is never out of your sight.
You are still very Beautiful creations that are Masterpieces
and will always be the Heavenly Father's sweet delights.

Much Love Always,
shelly david wright, poet

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