Friday, August 26, 2011

It's Your Heart Not Your Height

"It's Your Heart Not Your Height."

Television has played a part in the way we think
in the way we perceive so many issues today.
But we need to start thinking on our own and with
our hearts and truly put the mind control away.
We have been taught that it's tall, dark, and handsome
and that's the way they wanted you to think too.
You need to know that those stereotypes from the
television don't always fit you.
My first wife was taller than I and I see couples who
have taller mates and I'm sure that it doesn't bother them.
You see we can't always look on the outside to find Beauty
when it's of the heart and mind created by Him.
The Most High made us and we became all different shapes
and sizes but it's really about the Love within your heart.
We need to know that it's not about the size of her butt or
her breasts or for me the legs it's not the important part.
It's about the heart and not the height but I know some
of you still would not date someone shorter than you at all.
I know some would rather take the chance looking on the
outside just to have someone who is tall.
It's your heart not your height it's the size of the Love that's
in your heart that matters and nothing else that you see.
Because everyday we go back to the dust no matter how
much you try and take care of your body.
We are temporary creatures who are seeking eternity so
don't get too caught up with the person in the mirror.
We are aging daily and it should be about the inner person
the Beauty of the spirit we should start to see so much clearer.
Just like height the same thing with weight and we are so
superficial that we truly against thick Sisters discriminate.
Some males won't even look their way but it's still about the
heart it's really about the Love that's in it at any rate.
If we all closed our eyes and could feel we would not pick
many of those who think they're fine because of their mindset.
Looks are just an introduction but why would you want a
trophy with shatan's attitude just so you can regret.
It's your heart not the height or the weight that really
matters it's who you are on the inside to the Most High.
The most Beautiful women I have ever met were tall and
thick and I saw them with my heart and them I'd never deny.

Look with Your heart and see what's real.
shelly david wright, poet

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