Thursday, August 18, 2011

Just Want to be Loved and Appreciated

"Just Want to be Loved and Appreciated."

Maybe a female who is looking for attention will accept
a wet ass but a real woman wants a whole lot more.
She wants to be Loved and appreciated she wants to
feel special and be treated like she's never been before.
Women are emotional creatures who need more than
to be physically sexed up she needs her heart touched too.
She wants to know that she will be respected and cared
for along with her children this she wants a man to do.
I said man because she has had enough of males and
where she used to be a female she is someone new.
Her change has come through the hard times and all
the drama that the males in her life sent her through.
She too wasn't perfect she made many mistakes and
many times her mouth was her biggest enemy.
But time and Yah have a way of changing people and
now she has the wisdom to see.
She doesn't want to be labeled and grouped with the rest she
knows all males may be Dogs but she wants a man in her life.
You see her vagina is connected to her heart and you’ve got
to take the complete package and make her your wife.
Just to be Loved and appreciated and not taken for granted
to be cared for as she wants to fully give her heart to someone.
She wants to be a family where there's a man in her life
to be a father figure to her young son.
Just to be Loved, not sexed, appreciated not taken for granted
is all some of the Sisters want and this is what they desire.
Once you gain her heart and trust you won't have to be
concerned about the Loving you won't be able to put out the fire.
When she knows she is Loved and appreciated and has the
spirit of the Most High in her life there's nothing you have need of.
She will have your back because she wants to please her Heavenly
Father and with all of her heart she desires your Love.
Just to be Loved and appreciated even understood when there
are times that emotional issues play a part.
I know confusion is a sign of shatan and he will come but she
wants you to know she has your best in her heart.
We who are past our immaturity desire to be Loved and
appreciated as a man I want this as I'm sure many of you.
Through conversation and prayer having understanding
the Beauty of what Yah meant for us can we pursue.

shelly david wright, poet

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