Friday, August 26, 2011

Korn Flakes and Katrina

"Korn Flakes and Katrina."

I met Miss Trina while visiting in the hospital she is a
sweet attractive Sister with a Beautiful personality.
Miss Trina just happens to be left handed like a certain poet
I found out when she wrote down her email address for me.
I saw that she had no ring on her left hand and asked her
if she cooked and she said no and I said I don't too.
But I like Korn Flakes and milk with Trina, who needs
to eat when my eyes can get full by looking at you.
Of course I never said the last part, but this is where my
imagination kicks in and I try my best to make her smile also.
I'm sure she is doing that now but quite honestly I saw her
smile and she is one Sister who I would Love to get to know.
She's a sweet caramel color with a thickness that probably
has a softness that you would Love to touch.
Someone who has a heart that hasn't been found or truly
Loved and I'm sure she'd like that very much.
Trina is someone who may just want to be treated right
and wanted for more than her looks for real.
She needs a man who knows how to be gentle and tender
who is not afraid with his heart a true Love to feel.
She needs a man and not a male who will Love her with
his whole heart truly and unconditionally.
Who will show her just how special and wonderful she
is who will be there for her when she needs him to be.
I want to have my Korn flakes with Katrina just to be
in her company and be a friend forever and a day.
Someone who could rub her tired aching feet and massage
her shoulders and have sweet words on the phone to say.
As I know as thick as she is so is her heart and her Love
to the one who will capture her heart in this life.
Miss Trina is a sweet and Beautiful Sister who I feel is a
number one candidate to make someone a very Loving wife.
This morning I'm having Korn flakes with Katrina at the breakfast
table her hair is all over her head and still she looks sweet.
The best thing at the table is not what I have in my bowl
but the blessing of Heaven sitting across from me the one who
makes life complete.

On the Smile level what is this poem for you
going from 1-10
shelly david wright, poet

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