Thursday, August 18, 2011

Let's Play Pretend

"Let's Play Pretend."

It's a game we played as children but many so
called adults are still playing this game too.
They will pretend that they're interested in being your
friend but all the while they're just trying to deceive you.
I like the ones who will give you their numbers but are
never home or too busy when you call them.
You see these people I classify them as agents of the devil
because they're taking their marching orders from him.
Shallow is what they really are when games with the
emotions of someone else they have to play.
When you set out for personal gain and don't care who
gets hurt you're just a demon in human form I say.
Let me pretend to be your friend is what many are
saying yet they're convincing enough that you'll believe.
But these are professional liars who live their lives as a
lie because the truth or reality their minds can't conceive.
Real people are a blessing when you meet them because
there is an over abundance of fake azz people out here.
They are Wolves in sheep's clothing as phony as a $3.00
bill but like an Angel of light through shatan they'll appear.
Through discernment many will give themselves away for
the Most High will reveal them to you and you will see.
That they're like their father the devil full of lies and excuses
for everyday of the week but are twisted inwardly.
Games are for children and adults should not be playing
the ones that are of the devil anyway.
Because when you play pretend to deceive someone else
a cost in time you will have to pay.
Life is about sowing and reaping whether good seeds or bad
whatever you plant will be a harvest that you will receive.
Many will reap the blessings of the Most High for enduring
and doing good where others will mourn and grieve.
Let's play pretend is a game best left to the childhood imagination
of children because you'll only hurt yourself in the long run.
You see shatan will get you to commit the act to hang yourself
you'll see the depth of your foolishness when you're done.
Let's not play pretend but be straight forward and real be Loving
and concerned about one another as the Most High wants us to be.
Point blank all the things, money and sex become worthless
when the tables are turned and you are dealt with emotionally.

shelly david wright, poet

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