Thursday, August 18, 2011

Make a Difference Not a Dollar

"Make a Difference Not a Dollar."

We need to make a difference and not a dollar in
the lives of people and there are so many.
Whatever gift the Most High gave you was to be used
to help those who are hurting and there are plenty.
We need to be seen as a light and not lead into darkness
but to be the examples of our Father's Love within.
We should be about the work of encouraging those who
are down in these last days lives for Yah we should win.
We should be about the solving of the problem instead of
being a part of the problem that so many grow through.
My gift is the poetry that He's given me and I touch lives
and hearts this is what the message can do.
We are to be about making a difference and not a dollar
when Yah returns He isn't going to look at your bank statement.
He's going to ask you what you did with the gift that He
gave you and to whose edification they went.
You see the flesh still pulls on those who only see dollar signs
well the economy is crashing so money will be worthless.
I know for those who only live to chase the paper this they
will not want to hear because it doesn't bring happiness.
Money or things don't bring true happiness those who are
rich live miserable lives filled with no Love but lust.
They are in the mindset of who their real friends are
and who can they trust.
They live to make money and when it's all over no matter
how successful they were it will be nothing to the Most High.
You see life isn't about achieving great wealth or things
but serving Yah through serving others this is clearly no lie.
When we can make a difference and be instruments for Yah
we are a solution to the problems He works out in them.
When we become His hands, feet, and mouth in this journey
when they look at us they really see Him.
I know money has its place like everything but what's more
important than serving the world and self or others you meet.
They are all sent into your life nothing is by coincident but
by design and that makes life so sweet.
I'm about making a difference through Yah instead of a
dollar because in Him I trust to make a way.
But if all I am is about making money it will be a greater
cost with my life like others who are rich will have to pay.

Don't be dollar driven or money motivated it's all vanity.
shelly david wright, poet

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