Thursday, August 18, 2011

Set Up and Caught Up

"Set Up and Caught Up."

I'm sure by now you've heard about the missing
female that met this guy online and went off with him.
You see there are mentally challenged individuals who
think they're a sharp tool, there's plenty of them.
She told her boyfriend that she was going to visit a
relative in Florida I believe that's what I heard.
But she was sneaking around on him with a male
she met online now she's disappeared without a word.
You see on the spiritual side she was set up and got caught
up shatan is a matchmaker they had talked for a year.
You see her trust was gained and off to Aruba she went
after she lost her job only from there to disappear.
I've learned whatever is in the dark will come to light
especially if shatan is making a fool out of you.
You see she was cheating and it came to light after
she went into the light shatan used her and she's through.
This story is being played out in so many ways where the
games of the heart are being played as people cheat.
Marriage was designed by Yah to be a heart to heart one
on one but shatan must have thought it was incomplete.
So he introduced the third party and Adultery was born
sneaking around on your spouse was the thing to do.
Only thing shatan never alerted them that they'd have
to answer to the Most High for listening to him too.
Because the flesh is connected to shatan it is never satisfied
so no matter how much sex you have you will always want more.
When you're in darkness you tend to feed the flesh where Yah
has made His own content shatan has made his a whore.
There are females who are creeping with married males and
vice versa as this is shatan's world that we're living in.
You see it is natural for the flesh/shatan to want to be fed
and like a Pig in slop many wallow around in sin.
What she did is happening everyday as with the internet
it's easier to meet someone else when you're unsatisfied online.
She was just opening up Pandora's box and death was in it
this should be a wake up call for many who think it's fine.
To sneak around on someone and meet someone who you
really do not know a thing about.
You see many will continue to do this because they're in
the will of shatan their flesh craves it I have no doubt.

shelly david wright, poet

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