Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Friend Loves at All Times

"A Friend Loves at All Times."

Now just like the word Love the word Friend is also
over used in the mouths of the foolish everyday.
They will call you friend but you're a fool to them
and your intelligence and emotions they play.
Being quiet and nice doesn't make anyone stupid
or naive but this the wicked cannot see.
They think they're the ones who have the sense but
they're void of knowledge so miserably.
A friend Loves at all times and they're always
there whether you need them or not for you.
Friends have your back and would not put a knife
in it no wicked thing to a friend would they ever do.
A friend would not do anything to hurt you or
would not let anyone hurt you also.
Many are quick to say they have them but a friend
in the true sense and meaning that they don't know.
I for one can honestly say I don't call everyone a friend
because it would simply be untrue.
Every man for himself is the mindset of the people out
here quite simply Love is an emotion many never knew.
If you can't feel Love in all its splendor how can you say
you're a friend that would truly be a lie.
A friend Loves at all times and would not do anything
to harm you for they are gifts from the Most High.
A friend is someone you Love as much as you Love
yourself now this I truly believe.
Unlike the demons who shatan sends into your life
who have a purpose and that is to deceive.
Friends how many of us have them are lyrics yet these
words are so true for many of us.
Because how many of us have people in our lives that we
can say we honestly trust.
So called best friends have done everything to each other
I see this insanity on the sites on the internet.
You see them fighting those who were suppose to be
friends but they're foes this you can bet.
A friend Loves at all times but many can't Love at any time
because that emotion is not in them to feel.
They are just what you deal with those whom you call your
friends who are not real.

shelly david wright, poet

Emotionally Raped

"Emotionally Raped."

There are many who have been emotionally raped
and left for dead and they will take it out on you.
The hurt they harbor within has turned to hate and
the next one to come along is through.
You hurt me and I'm going to hurt someone else this
is the spirit and mindset of many no matter how wrong.
They're going to take their frustration out on the next
victim who wants to talk to them when they come along.
Emotionally raped is what many are mostly the females
who gave their hearts to males who did not care about them.
With an unclean spirit and being void of Love or any true
emotions she was drawn by the devil to him.
Sad thing is many are drawn by their eyes they are truly
turned on by what they see.
But their eyes truly deceived them and they paid the price
when they were screwed and raped emotionally.
We have a whole world of hurt and many are dying inside
because of what has been done to them.
You see they didn't give their hearts just to a male but a
demon they took on spirits when they slept with him.
What many still can't grasp is that sex is spiritual more than
physical this is how shatan truly gets a stronghold.
You not only share their bodily fluids just know a rubber
can't stop spirit infestation now you've been warned and told.
Emotionally raped some males have been messed over in this
manner too and many can't recover from the affects.
They're like Zombies who have to live through the horrors
of being in a head on train wreck.
Once your feelings are torn it will take healing but so many
are caught up and want to jump in the water once more.
Just to get an even bigger dose of hurt because what you don't
seem to understand is the hurt that you have in store.
Not just emotionally raped and left for dead but through
these males and females shatan wants you truly dead.
Why do you think murder suicide is so popular shatan
got two for one when he got into the other's head.
Emotionally raped are many who will read this who have
been hurt for wanting to be Loved and cared for too.
But when Love is nowhere in your make up then emotionally
raping someone and breaking a heart is all you will do.

shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Burst Your Bubble

"Let Me Burst Your Bubble."

You who are letting your ego take you to the
Lake of fire I just want to say shatan is fooling you.
He is setting you up it's nothing that you're doing
on your own but he's trying to destroy the two.
First of all you only have a whore like yourself they're
nothing that the Most High treasures not one of His own.
A whore is all shatan is going to send your way one whore
to another one just one of his whores he's known.
Not to burst your bubble or deflate your ego but it's not
how handsome/pretty you think you are that plays out.
Because it's really about getting you to sin against the
Most High this is what your whoring is all about.
You see David's was an act not an attitude of adultery
as many of you seem to have and have fallen into.
Wake up because once he's gotten you to run the course
he's set up believe me without repentance you're through.
The reality is sex is spiritual more than physical and
you're spreading demons as well as disease as well.
Then you're going to eventually screw up their hearts
and minds sending them to an emotional Hell.
In turn they're going to get involved with another whore
who will then take on their demons and spread them too.
When you think you're having fun all you really do is hurt
yourself and the other whore that's all you do.
Let me burst your bubble and say that what you thought
was done in the dark was seen by the Most High.
Whether it's a married whore or a single whore you have
to answer Him and He's not hearing a lie.
Don't you know that your body is not for whoring but
you were created to be a tool of worship and so much more.
Yah created you to serve Him and keep His ways not to
be used by shatan and turn out to be a whore.
No matter how you pretty the pig or romanticize it
you're just a whore that's on death row.
The penalty for sin is still death in the Lake of fire it
has not changed this truth you'd be wise to know.
Maybe some of the Churches aren't telling you what the
deal is because from the way they're dressed you can't tell.
If it's a Club or a place of worship they're entering either
come as you are isn't in Scripture or I cannot read or spell.

shelly david wright, poet

Problems Equal Prayer

"Problems Equal Prayer."

When you're being attacked it is a good sign
so don't you hold your head down and never fear.
When you are a child of Yah you know that there
are solutions and He promised to always be near.
The problems in your life equal prayer no matter
what it is just know when you're faithful He hears you.
He saw the end from the beginning of your life so He
knows all too well what it is that you're growing through.
If it were not for the problems many would not have a
reason to pray so He allows them to come into your life.
He is the one who will get the praise when He delivers
you out of the mindset of misery that causes strife.
It's like Sunshine without rain and when the cloudy
days come you don't know how to act.
This is just the reality we need to balance in our lives
this is without a doubt a simple fact.
Right now many I know are having their share of
attacks and we should be there to pray for one another.
Be a shoulder to lean on in these times be a word they
need to hear from that hurting Sister or Brother.
There was a Sister who was having trouble with her son
and we know that with the young shatan is nothing nice.
But all I can say is let it go because Yah has the answers
as you've listened before please take this advice.
We are not fighting flesh and blood although they're in
human form a spirit of destruction they've got.
Demons who have possessed the young why do you
think the spirit of murder is running hot.
We need to be about encouraging each other instead
of hating but showing Love to them.
The tears are there when they're going through an
attack shatan is present and they feel him.
We need to show some concern because we could be
next and we will want a shoulder to cry on too.
Problems equal prayers and prayers equal solutions
miracles in your life Yah will do.
To you who need encouragement I say pray your
way out of your misery and give a friend a call.
In the eyes of the Most High we are all family and
we should think that way stand together and don't fall.

shelly david wright, poet

Love Doesn't Make You a Punching Bag

"Love Doesn't Make You a Punching Bag."

When you Love someone and you truly give your all
and get nothing but criticism and disrespect in return.
Then you know what they feel for you isn't Love but
Lust and disgust and a sad lesson you had to learn.
When they're very abusive and use violence as a
way to control you or place in you fear for them.
Then you know what you have isn't of the Most High
because you would not receive a male from Him.
A Sister asked me to write a poem of how she Loves
and gets nothing but heartbreak coming back.
When your choices are made with your eyes and
not your heart you're in for a spiritual attack.
Sometimes our hearts can be fooled because true
Love is what we want to feel.
We all want someone who is caring and genuine
someone who is going to be in our lives so real.
Love doesn't make you a punching bag Love doesn't
make a fist or will it ever take out frustrations and fight.
Love won't ask you to do anything that is against your
beliefs but Love is about wanting to do what is right.
Keep your hands to yourself is what I was always told
but these males and females are void to common sense.
They are quick to want to fight and they just don't know
that they will pay dearly at their expense.
You see when someone hits you once they'll do it again
no matter how many times they say they're sorry too.
When someone doesn't care they will take out their
problems and the punching bag becomes you.
Violence against women and men is nothing but a demonic
spirit this is truly not of the Most High.
Why would He place you in something where you or the
both of you could die.
Women are sitting in jail for defending themselves from
a male who took advantage of them in a bad way.
Now behind bars because of an attack of the devil the
Sisters and Brothers have to stay.
You can have a heart filled with Love but if the one who
receives it can't give it then it's time to let go.
It is better to be alone than in bad company because this
is spiritual but physically he'll land the fatal blow.

Per request of Caroline
shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, December 22, 2011

You're Not Only Very Pretty

"You're Not Only Very Pretty."

You're not only very pretty but you're a very Beautiful
person whose Beauty is deeper than the earth's core.
Every time I see you my heart skips beats and the
butterflies float around my heart even more.
Along with the Fireworks display when I look into
those very Beautiful and pretty brown eyes.
You are truly what many hope to get from praying
a gift from Heaven that is the ultimate surprise.
You're not only a pretty lady who makes my eyes
happy because you're such a lovely creation to see.
But my heart fills the Joy of having someone so sweet
and special in my life and you're here with me.
Each day is truly a Blessing when I wake up and see
your smile and hear you call out my name.
From the moment Yah sent you into my life the world
and everything in it will never be the same.
I walk down the street smiling when I think of you
and when the phone rings I see your picture on the display.
To hear your voice is like every Love Song that I Love
that would take my very breath away.
To be Blessed is wonderful but to be Blessed by you is
much more than I can explain or will have the words to.
All I know when I have the chance I will write the sweetest
poetry along with my heart and given them to you.
You're pretty, sorry very pretty to look at but to feel you are
so very Beautiful and my heart feels you so.
As I'm writing this poem I'm thinking about you and it's
not the Sun but your Love gives me a new glow.
Like Superman I feel like I can fly but it's just the way
you make me feel this is what Loving you can do.
There's nothing I want to do or nowhere I want to be my
Love if you're not there with me too.
You're not only very pretty but you're very Beautiful
truly more than my eyes are blessed to take in or behold.
You my heart is truly Heaven sent yes you're flesh and
blood but the heart you have is made of pure gold.
I Love you are the sweetest words but with my life I will
give those words meaning that are beyond all measure.
When we met through the Most High there was meaning in the
introductions and He said Shelly here is your treasure.

Truly inspired from the Heart
shelly david wright, poet
# 37

You're Hopeless if You Aren't Romantic

"You're Hopeless if You Aren't Romantic."

You would hear the term hopeless Romantic but to
be a Romantic you must have hope and Love too.
You must feel from the heart and be caring and real
be one who is concerned enough to say I Do.
I Love the soft music and candle lights the wine and
to have that special one in front of me.
But it's strange that there are no takers in my life
I don't cheat nor do I play games plus my years of celibacy.
I know that this is a spiritual matter for Yah is not only
keeping me but keeping me from the wrong one.
I know that I can't look for what I need in my life so
He chooses for me and I know it's being done.
I Love to send Roses to the job with candy and write
the sweetest poetry to the one who I care about.
To the one when she enters my life she will take center
stage and will be one I don't want to live without.
I Love that Yah has made me Romantic and sensitive
enough to treat her like the Queen from above.
I now know that with my whole heart she will be the
one who I will cherish and appreciate and show true Love.
A hopeless Romantic I am not but if you're not Romantic
you're the one who is hopeless this I would say.
Someone who only wants to play around and get as much
as possible someone who Loves to play.
Someone who wouldn't open the door for a Lady and
wouldn't know one if they saw one in front of them.
You see they are filled with lust and are blind and they
have shatan written all over because they belong to him.
I listen and feel the Love songs that I play and they are
to me a Love theme that when I'm with her I want to hear.
But the sweetest sounds will be the words that she will
say with a smile and whisper in my ear.
Whoever has read what I write will say I'm in Love and this
is a condition that I really want to be in.
To become the hopeful Romantic that I am and her heart
and trust I will work very Romantically to win.
You're hopeless if you aren't Romantic and those who
settle for anything less than true Love are dead emotionally.
I want to be able to give the Teddy Bears and kiss her all
over and Love her for a lifetime unconditionally.

shelly david wright, poet

Your Heart and Maturity

"Your Heart and Maturity."

I'm learning age has nothing to do with anything
but it's your heart and your maturity too.
When the Most High places two together it's His
spirit that will bond the two.
Where His spirit is there is also Love and maturity
these two truly go hand in hand.
When you have His spirit you will know that age
does not matter it's whether or not you understand.
It's your heart and if you have Love within it this will
make all the difference to the Most High.
You see when you have Love it only means He is in the
center of it and His presence in your life you can't deny.
Now there is an abundance of immaturity in all ages and
many of those you would think shouldn't be.
But just because a person is aged doesn't mean they have
any understanding or maturity.
Now your heart can contain Love or it could be filled
with wickedness like the hearts of so many we see.
Just because someone says that they Love you doesn't
make it true because Love is about action it's doing to me.
There are many who have used that word who have killed
the one that they have said it repeatedly to.
Many marriages are based on what you have or many
other self serving reasons that make them say I Do.
To get married on any reason other than Love that Yah
places in your heart is a reason to allow shatan in your life.
You hear it all the time where murder suicide domestic violence
just today in California a male not a man killed his wife.
Love and maturity are essential to make the relationship grow
add to it honesty and faithfulness and you have something.
Because when you know you will have to answer to Yah
only your best to your spouse you will bring.
Your heart has to be right in the first place no matter what
the package looks like it's the contents that reveal.
Just what the book will be about and how good it will be
and how good from reading the story you will feel.
Yes it's not how old you are that matters but it's the Love
and maturity that will matter to make it right.
Age won't matter when the Most High places His own
together because to each other it will be sheer delight.

inspired by Latoya
shelly david wright, poet

You Never were Loved

"You Never were Loved."

The reality is that many of you have never been
Loved and all you've had was Dicks and Drama too.
When you have no Love, concern, or consciousness you
really don't care what you put a person through.
You never were Loved and even appreciated not even
treasured or cherished as many of you hoped to be.
When you are filled with the spirit of lust the point of
interest is the center of attention of your Privacy.
This is not just going on in males but there are females
who are very cold and cruel who have these spirits also.
You would think they would want to be Loved but they're
messed up spiritually and only lust and deception do they know.
You were never Loved but Dogged out just another
spiritual attack is all these relations are in the first place.
You think you're looking at the person who Loves and cares
about you but you're staring with a smile into shatan's face.
He will use who he will to bring upon your emotional
destruction and for the weak do them in physically.
All sorts of abuses from mental to verbal is all an attack
that takes place against you spiritually.
Love is a word often heard but is an emotion that not too
many are capable of comprehending or feeling at all.
Love is not about self but the other it denies self and is an
action word it does and it has nothing to do with a Booty call.
The sad thing is too many people have heard it said and they
believe the lie that shatan through someone launched against them.
You see he doesn't Love and those who are lost and blind who
serve him don't either they only feel lust from him.
You were never Loved just wanted for sex and what you had
your possessions that these devils wanted you to share.
The reality is those who have hearts many times don't have
nothing in them but corruption they simply don't care.
I can understand the disappointments that many have
in their lives because I've had my share of them believe me.
Loneliness and heartache are feelings I have felt and more
from someone who said Love but the true emotion I didn't see.
You never were Loved just sexed up and there's truly
a real difference between sex and Lovemaking.
Sex will leave you with a wet ass but when you Love you
feel good all over and what you experience is breathtaking.

shelly david wright, poet

You Never Know Who You'll Need

"You Never Know Who You'll Need."

We really need to be mindful of how we treat one
another because you never know who you may need.
Don't ever think that you're independent of needing
help and through this poem your consciousness I'll feed.
We are all connected in one way or another and we should
never think that we don't need anyone to help us.
We still need to be about being humble and good and
learn patience and with our own not fuss.
You never know who you'll need in this world so you
need to treat those around you with respect above all.
Because when you're in trouble the very one whom
you mistreated you just may have to call.
You see Yah just may set it up that way to bring you
into submission to humble you so a lesson you can learn.
We are all humans here and for one another in these
times we really need to show a degree of concern.
It is my hope that this will open your eyes because I
know that more than the winter is cold out here.
We are in a time where the people are controlled by
a system that teaches them that everything you fear.
There is no Love in fear or in doubt and true Love will
cast anything like those two I mentioned out.
We need to take the example from the ones who were seen
in Scriptures and know Love is what it's all about.
I try and treat everyone with a degree of respect because
I will never know when I will need help from someone.
You see when Yah is trying to get your attention something
may just have to happen to you before it's done.
You may not be where He wants you now but pretty soon
you will be by His direction He will get you to that place.
You may be put in a bind and all kinds of trouble looms
just ahead and you never know what you have to face.
The same one who you had nothing to do with may be the
one who comes to your rescue and may save the day.
That's why for each other we need to show us some concern
and always be mindful of them and to pray.
A storm is coming and those who are selfish and self centered
are going to learn a lesson about true humility.
They never thought they would need the one who they Dogged
out but the day is coming that they shall see.

shelly david wright, poet

You've Got a Wife and You Want Me Too

"You've Got a Wife and You Want Me Too."

When we first met you were there for me and there
was seemingly nothing that you would not do.
You became the one I had learned to lean and depend
I gave my everything including my heart and body to you.
Now I find out that I really didn't know you after all you
were using me all the time because you already had someone.
Now you spring the news that you're going to get married
and you've decided what we have isn't over or done.
You've got a wife and you want me too talk about having
your cake and eating it too.
But to be with a married male because you're not a man
is a sin that you're not going to bring me into.
What we had is over and I'm trying to move on I need to
get over the hurt and betrayal of what you've done to me.
You’ve got a whole lot to answer for and the seeds you're
sowing are going to bring a whole harvest of misery.
I Loved you but not anymore I'd be a fool to follow you
into your marriage and be your whore on the side.
I'm praying that I'm released from what we had because
it will take much praying since I'm soul tied.
All of my life I have been in relationships that have soured
on me but this one with you has turned out so sad.
You need to go on with your bride to be because I don't
want the drama and for us things are going to be bad.
You've got a wife and want me too you are indeed of
the devil and crazy if you think this is what I need.
I realize now that you never knew what Love was I
Loved you but your flesh you were trying to feed.
This is happening with the spirit of lust pretending
to be Love and many wanting to be Loved true.
But all those who fall into these traps find themselves
deep in headaches and heartbreaks they go through.
What many can't seem to realize is the spiritual attack
is waged against your heart also.
When you hear the word Love shatan wants you to link
it with another word disappointment also.
You've got a wife and you want me too shatan can take you
to the Lake of fire with him I really feel sorry for your wife.
No one but the devil deserves to be attached to you
for the rest of their life.

shelly david wright, poet

You Are My Future

"You Are My Future."

When I look into your eyes in the present I see
a future my future so sunny and bright.
You are the one who shall release me from these
long years of celibacy when you become Mrs. Wright.
Yah kept me for this special moment and He has kept
me for the one who I would give my whole heart to.
You are the one who I'm going to spend my life with I'm
going to enjoy growing old with You.
You are my future in my present and each day that
I get up I fall more deeper in Love.
Truly I am blessed beyond abundance because I was
given the most sweetest gift straight from above.
I have more than I could ever imagine and far more
than I could ever conceive in two lifetimes I say.
All I know when I'm with you it's the most Beautiful
weather and in my heart it's sunny everyday.
You are my future and one I look forward to as I'm
overjoyed that something so wonderful happened in my life.
You are the one who I would give my life for the one who
will and forever be my greatest treasure my wife.
Lady you are my future and one in these last days make
me smile and it's because I'm Loving you so.
Together through the best and worst of times through
sickness and health together we can grow.
What I have is more than I feel worthy of possessing
but someone who I will cherish endlessly.
You know there are some who only dare dream on their
best night of sleep to ever be blessed as me.
When I recite the vows of my heart and I enter into a
contract that will be signed with intimacy.
The Angels in Heaven and the ones who protect us will
shout for joy because we're so happy.
You are my future and one I will enjoy I truly Love this
blessing and I know you will be precious to me forever more.
I can't wait until we are alone so we can express the
passions in our heart as never before.
You are my future and I will Love every second of it I'm
going to make you happy and be your dream come true.
Truly my future is bright and sunny from the moment
we met continuing with the answer of I Do.

title by Kenshika Jiles
shelly david wright, poet

Yearning for Love

"Yearning for Love."

Today I'm really feeling it where
it's overcast and it's cooling down.
It would be nice to have someone that I could
hold someone special around.
I guess I'm yearning to feel Love and to Love that
one who I hope will soon bring happiness to my life.
I'm just expressing what my heart and all these emotions
I have inside are feeling it's time for Yah to bring my wife.
Lately I have been very emotional and these feelings
along with the Love Songs that I hear.
Make me want to have that one who I can talk to and
whisper the words I Love You in her ear.
Words that are meaningful and precious that will
touch her heart as they are from mine so true.
Words that will make me want to be so Romantic for
the one that I will proudly say the words I Do.
I Do and I Will when Yah opens the door to the next level
and turns everything around into His direction for me.
What's on my heart is wanting someone to share my life
and my Love with someone who wants the matrimony.
I'm yearning for Love as it grows cooler, walks in the park
with wind blowing and some hot chocolate in front of the heater.
Being there cozy and warm with the one I Love and who Loves
me what in the world could be more sweeter.
When I was in the world I didn't know what Love was although
I said it so many times this emotion and depth I did not know.
But now since Yah has changed me I want to experience it
so bad I really want what's inside my heart to now show.
Just like the celibacy I have all this Love bottled up inside
and I want to feel the same from someone Beautiful in return.
I really need to feel the touch of her skin upon mine someone
who is wanting to show me so much Love and concern.
I'm yearning for Love and I want Yah to send her more
than anything I ever wanted, bring her please.
This is what I'm asking every time when I go before you
in prayer whether I'm walking or getting down on my knees.
I'm yearning for Love this is in my spirit and I want someone
who will be first of all Yah's daughter and a true delight.
I'm feeling this today as it starts to get cool I pray I won't
have to wait much longer for Him to send my Mrs. Wright.

shelly david wright, poet

Yah Will Work it Out

"Yah Will Work it Out."

I know many of you are at the crossroads where you
just like I need to have the confidence from above.
I really need Yah to work things out so I can have
what my heart desires and that's a testimony of Love.
Yah will work it out for your good just like Romans 8:28
says all things work together for your good.
When you know that Yah is preparing you for something
greater then what you're growing through is understood.
Yah will work it out and this one is for my hearing as well
as yours I really need to hear this as much as you.
Because shatan is always in the midst of attacking me also
because so much in these last days we're going to go through.
Yah will work it out for you and while He's working it out
we should be praying and letting Him know.
To strengthen us through the trials that can bring upon us
unbelief so we need Him to be with us and never leave also.
Today I'm sitting here writing poem number 41 and hoping
that my situation I've brought to Yah will be worked out too.
Just know that all things are by design and are under control
and every step you make He prepares them for you to do.
Yah will work things out because He is building you up for
what lies ahead but just know you will be alright.
You see Yah called you out from the world to be His set apart
and selected and to others who He is calling to be to them a light.
The blind cannot see at this time but to each other we become
a family of what Yah is producing through His own.
We are the ones who will reign when the time of Esau and
shatan's time is over when wickedness is really gone.
I'm working toward my testimony of Love and I want to feel
with these emotions what my heart has to share.
With the one who was chosen to receive these feelings from
the very beginning someone who truly knows how to care.
I pray you who read this will be encouraged that Yah
will give you your heart's delight and so much more.
For those who He has called out He has plans to make you
better than you've ever been in your life before.
Yah will work it out you just need to believe He will and
know that you're worth it and favored by Him.
There are many who are growing and going through the
waiting and He is going to reward all of them.

shelly david wright, poet

Whores Grow on Trees

"Whores Grow on Trees."

Good men and women in your life are a blessing from
Yah yet whores grow on trees they're all over the place.
You open your eyes and look around you will see them
no matter which way you turn looking in your face.
It's worse for the females who have these males trying
to always hit their delicate spot below.
On the flip side there are females who don't treasure or
Love themselves so what's special about them they let go.
With the spirits that are in the masses whores grow on
trees because there's no Love, morals, or standards too.
They don't have any emotional attachment no true
feelings they think sex is the thing to do.
The reality is sex is empty without Love you're less
than an animal if all you want is that and nothing more.
You are truly of your father the devil who is the one who
created and who makes it possible to be a whore.
Whores grow on trees because they're blind to Love and
don't have a clue what it's about or even know what to feel.
There's a difference between Lovemaking and sex just like
there's a difference between Love and lust and that's real.
We are in a society where sex sells and we are in a world
where the devil is the god of this current age.
When he was thrown out of Heaven he came here and he
set what we see as confusion on this world stage.
Those who are his are whores and those who are of Yah
they used to be.
Yah changed His to see Love and not lust He made them
truly realize that a whore you can find on a tree.
Whores grow on trees and this is what is real it's sad when
you look at the young who have sex like they breathe everyday.
Demons and disease are rampant in the community with
AIDS taking many who screw their lives away.
Right now I'm celibate but I was a whore too Yah has touched
and changed my life and I'm praying for Him to send my wife.
I know sex is as easy to get as candy but whoring I'm not
allowed to do that spirit is no longer a part of my life.
Whores grow on trees and Yah is going to chop those trees
down and throw the fruit that is corrupt into the fire.
Where they will burn up if they haven't repented or changed
being a whore or with one is a thing I do not desire.

shelly david wright, poet

While They Can Still Hear You

"While They Can Still Hear You."

While those around you are still breathing you
should be wise and let them know how you feel.
You really need to know that life isn't guaranteed
they could be gone at any minute so you need to be real.
Saturday I was at a funeral but there are funerals
happening more frequently in our community.
Because of the dark spirits within us we have self
hatred and another black face we hate to see.
We are erasing each other like we are the wrong
answer on a test but the reality is this is sad.
We aren't seen in a positive light at all the media
paints with a broad brush as if we're all bad.
While they can still hear you need to tell them
how you feel and let go of the animosity.
Because grudges will destroy from the inside and
all it is, is a stronghold shatan has on you spiritually.
I tell my grown kids I Love them and we all need to tell
those around us who we care about the same thing.
Better yet show them with your actions, actions speak so
much louder than words and watch the happiness you bring.
We need to be about Our Father's business and that is to
seek His face first and all things will He give to you.
When He is in your life you will be directed on the right
path and serving Him you will gladly do.
I Love you because I don't take a dime for this work that
He's allowed me to share.
What I do is from the heart and I will get blessed by it
because Yah always shows His own how much He cares.
While they can still hear and are breathing let them
know how you feel show them your Love everyday.
When you speak be respectful and Loving give them
what they need to hear and see in a special way.
To my readers who read and share these poems I really
Love you because the Father has blessed me to.
Give you a word that is needed like I am the one who
knows exactly what you're going and growing through.
While you are still able to see hear and read I will give
you the words of encouragement and Love He gives to me.
I promise not to sugar coat a thing for you if possible
but I will come at you real with all honesty.

shelly david wright, poet

When You Miss Someone

"When You Miss Someone."

When you miss someone you really feel them
I know because I feel it in my heart.
From the time I close my eyes at night I'm
missing you until I wake up and a new day starts.
When you miss someone who has touched your life
and you don't hear or see them the way you used to.
You feel the void where they once were and the time
that you spent together is time alone and that's poo.
When you miss someone as much as I miss you I feel
that it's not one sided because of how I was to you.
Whenever you asked I was there to deliver what you
wanted I felt it from the heart and that I'd do.
I know that I cross your mind and heart because I
saw so much of how you felt in your eyes.
When you were in my presence I know what we had
was real and true without the lies.
When you miss someone as much as I miss you the
time without you is just wasted time to me.
We both were in something that could have grown
like the Beanstalk into something of real Beauty.
Where two hearts could have become one and a life
together we could have lived as a family.
With a true Love that many have thought was a fairy
tale but the reality of it through us they'd see.
When you miss someone you will always think about
them and have them on your heart and mind.
Especially when you think on the times you spent
together when they were to you very sweet and kind.
The beautiful thing is when you went separate ways it's
for a season and for things that Yah had to work through.
Because when you reunite with that person it will be so
much better than the beginning it will be brand new.
I really miss you and I enjoyed the times we spent but I
hope and trust that there are better times to come.
You see I know that we are walking according to the Love
of Yah and it's His will that's where we're coming from.
When you miss someone it's a two way street and in this
time of separation or absence fonder hearts should grow.
That when our time out is over a testimony for others to
see and a true Love and commitment we'll know.

shelly david wright, poet
# 98

When It's All Planned Out

"When It's All Planned Out."

I've learned to not plan anything like my day when
Yah has already planned it out for you.
Think about it Scriptures say your steps are ordered
prepared so you must know your life is too.
I know for myself I've been places always at the perfect
time since Yah has turned my life around.
I've been in places when I used to pass out the poetry
and gave it to the right person I've found.
I've heard How did you know I needed this so
many times and the poetry is talking to them also.
When we wake up our journey is already set and the
Most High sends us in the right direction to go.
I'm sitting here working on poem 100 and this is a
message that many who are sighted already know.
This is a word that is meant to enlighten and for many
it will help us to grow.
We can't plan anything that has already been planned
out for you none of your steps are ever in vain.
But those who are still in the world are just spinning
in circles and shatan will eventually drive them insane.
I praise Yah for all the signs that He's given me and for
the knowledge and the spirit to write this poetry.
I know many who read these poems are enlightened by
them and another side of the story they now see.
Today I said I wanted to do something different but it
did not turn out that way but it turned out right.
This is another written testimony just to let you know
that if He's called you He's given you spiritual insight.
All things were done when He rested on the Sabbath it
will all come together in the way He planned it out.
When we surrender and come to the understanding
that in Yah we trust and have no doubt.
I know I have no plans for my life I wasn't the one who
created it I'm not Yah He has all the plans set up for me.
My steps are ordered and prepared in the way that I go
because He has me writing to give you a testimony.
How can you plan anything when it's already planned
out for you and you can say thank Yah for it.
Because everything in my life comes together like Romans
8:28 whatever Yah does He truly makes it fit.

shelly david wright, poet

When Every Love Song Comes True

"When Every Love Song Comes True."

When every Love song ever written that I ever
Loved when Yah allows them to come true.
My life will be the most Beautiful thing Yah ever
touched because in the center of it will be you.
When you Share my Love I will Treasure you honey
you will be my Weakness and Fascination also.
You give me the Reasons to Love because You Are
Everything that in all the world I will ever know.
Our Love Ballad will be written on our hearts and the
Words will be sung day and night in our hearts Always.
You the Sweet Thing that I ask myself Am I Dreaming
because I know Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing these days.
When every Love song comes true in my life and
I feel every word ever written as if they came from me.
Because Somewhere In My Lifetime is where you've been
and in my heart Forever and Always you will be.
Something In My Heart tells me you're the only one who
the Most High has sent down from Heaven to be in my life.
Honey There's Something About You that makes me Love
you so and more than anything I want you to be my wife.
I want to be in the Softest Place On Earth when I'm in your
arms and I lay with you as we make Love tonight.
It will be So Very Hard To Go when the morning comes
after so much passion and delight.
When every Love song comes true in my life and Yah
makes Seven Whole Days with you a celebration of Love.
A union that was made special even I believe the Angels
smiled when they saw you and I becoming one above.
Through this poem I'm Sending My Love and it’s coming at
you like Rocket Love that is coming from outer space.
The Closer I Get to You I can see the happiness in your eyes
and the joy showing all over your face.
With your Ebony Eyes of brown that
they Remind me of something Heaven sent.
Like our Love that comes down like the Rain in our hearts
that from the Most High was always meant.
When every Love song ever written comes true you can
Practice What You Preach in our bedroom constantly.
Because You Know How To Love Me and I will sing Ooh
Child when you whip it on me in the midst of intimacy.

shelly david wright, poet

What's So Special About You

"What's so Special about You.

All the women I know have vaginas so what is so
special about you.
They have shapes and they are very attractive
no matter what size they are too.
You need to realize that what the mirror doesn't
show is the heart that you have inside.
Many have some spirits in them that they shouldn't
show that's why their true selves they'll hide.
It was no mistake that shatan went to Eve first he knew
that to her he could get with words that would sink in.
He knew if he could get in her ear he would get in her
heart and mind and easily entice her to sin.
Another thing the mirror doesn't show is the truth that
we are rotting going back to the dust from where we came.
Many who are caught up in an unclean spirit really think
it's all about them and before Yah this is a shame.
Humble should be the spirit not highminded as many are
but this is the spirit that's in the world too.
Both male and female who haven't been awakened yet
have this dark spirit and you can tell by the things they do.
What’s so special about you, nothing if you are still in
darkness and you have that spirit taking hold.
You're not about being all you think you are you're
just a brick and not a bar of gold.
The reality is until we are called to cross over there's
nothing special about anyone who is still in darkness.
I was there once so this I know we're just puffed up to
think so about the devil but we truly are a mess.
When we are called out of darkness we become special
and it has nothing to do with our appearance but our heart.
You see we are now full of true Love and understanding is
growing daily seeking to serve our Father from the start.
When we no longer walk according to the god of this world
Yah makes us special to Him and each other as you'll see.
Because we become a family of the Most High because we
all have His spirit in us like minded inwardly.
What's so special about you everything if you're a child
of the Most High and out of darkness He's called you out.
When you're chosen to be set apart by Yah then being
special to Him is really what it's all about.

shelly david wright, poet

Whatever is in the Dark Yah Will Reveal

"Whatever is in the Dark Yah will Reveal."

Whatever is in the dark Yah will reveal because
the truth He wants you to know.
Whatever deed that’s done in the dark will find its
way into the light because Yah makes it so.
Whatever is in the dark Yah will reveal and if it
will be destructive shatan will reveal it for you.
If it is something that will set you up this thing that
will cause hurt and pain shatan will do.
How many have thought they did something and have
it exposed you see all the time on TV.
Those who are out here creeping around are already
caught because your evil the Most High can see.
Whatever is in the dark Yah will reveal and He will
bring it into the light.
You need to know that Yah is all about exposing the
deeds of the devil and is going to do what's right.
Like I said shatan will bring those things to the light
and make you look like a fool as well before many.
The Politicians and those who share the light are always
exposed for who they are shatan drops a dime on plenty.
Whatever you think you're doing in the dark just know
that you're not getting away with nothing at all.
You see if shatan put you up to it he is setting you up so
you can take a fall.
Whatever is in the dark will come to light but this is one
thing that the blind just don't know about.
When you're blind and doing things in the dark they will
be shown and you'll get caught without a doubt.
The wicked think they're doing things that no one can see
but shatan is setting you up for more than you can see.
When your time comes to reap for what you were set up to
do and you'll find yourself being plagued by misery.
Whatever comes to light that was hidden in the dark has
been exposed by the Love and righteousness of the Most High.
When you are doing the will of Yah He is going to make sure
that things are shown to you the truth He'll never deny.
Whatever is in the dark Yah will reveal as the truth about
the trials and devices of shatan that I'm growing through.
So many times what we look for will be revealed because
Yah wants you to see what's true.

shelly david wright, poet

Well Why Does He Leave Me this Way

"Well Why Does He leave Me this Way."

If it's not good for man to be alone well why does He
Leave me this way.
I'm lonely and lonesome and I've been asking Him
for a wife yes I ask the Most High nearly everyday.
He that finds a wife finds a good thing well I thought
by now after all these years of waiting and celibacy.
That He would allow me to meet the one that was chosen
from the very beginning for me.
If it's not good for the man to be alone and He created
marriage why am I still single when I don't want to be.
I want to be joined to my spouse and for us to become one
standing before Him as we recite our vows of matrimony.
Well why does He leave me alone and when He knows how
emotional I am and how much I want to be Loved too.
I know there are some who don't have this problem and I
know there are many who are seeking a mate who do.
Shatan will send us a counterfeit mate a disappointing
learning experience is what I call them.
Shatan hears us when we pray out loud to Yah and those
who you think are from Yah are coming from him.
I've had my share of disappointments and now I want to
be in a relationship that has a foundation of true Love.
With a Beautiful woman who He has given to me one I
was joined to when we were created in Heaven above.
But right now I'm not happy and I'm yearning for the
one who compliments and completes me my only one.
I want to be joined to my chosen and be a living example
as the Scriptures speak about the Father and the Son.
If it's not good for the man to be alone well why is He
allowing me in this horrible condition to stay.
I'm devoted to making a woman happy I Love the
Romance and the flowers and games I do not play.
I know things are done in time and I pray that my time
is drawing near because I want to share my life.
I want to be the man in Proverbs 31 who is very happy
because I know I want the virtuous wife.
I know it's not good for a man to be alone because it's
killing me inside when I'm so emotional and sensitive also.
I pray that He doesn't leave me this way much longer
because the one I'm crying out for He allows me to get to know.

shelly david wright, poet

Waiting is Hard but the Reward is Worth it

"Waiting is Hard but the Reward is Worth it."

When you're waiting on Yah as He prepares you it can
get hard but the reward will be worth it this I pray.
Because I'm being allowed to sow the seeds of His Love
through the poetry and I hope to reap my reward one day.
My reward would be His Love through the one whom He's
selected for me who just may be being prepared for me.
She may be praying for her chosen and her prayers will
be answered along when each other we one day see.
I know waiting can be hard and this is the time that the
devil will come up against you.
He will plant doubt if the wait is long he wants you to
believe what you're waiting for won't come through.
I know first hand because he is always planting doubt
in my flesh but I know that this is what he'll do.
If you aren't being attacked by the devil I would say
that chances are you may be serving him too.
Waiting and praying will build patience and character
for Yah is forming Himself as you wait in your temple.
Your steps will be right because He is allowing you to take
them where He is your walk will be simple.
I know many are praying for different things I'm Romantic
so I want nothing more than to have my long awaited mate.
I know I can't pick her I can't pick my nose correctly so
I have no other choice in the matter but to wait.
He is keeping me so when she appears the Love the both
of us will have will be a living testimony for those around us.
That we can live in harmony with Yah dwelling in us where
about the simple things there's no need to fuss.
As He is head of our lives we will know to rely on Him for
all provisions that we will need to have met.
Waiting for Yah when He's preparing us is hard but when
the reward is given it will be a day you'll never forget.
I have screamed, cried, and went temporarily insane while
waiting but it did not make Yah speed up the time one bit.
You see waiting is for your own good and when He feels
you are ready you'll get your reward in faith I'll admit.
Waiting is hard but the reward is well worth it when Yah
gives you more than you can imagine or conceive.
The Love I will have will have passion that will make the
Sun seem like a lit match this I can't wait to receive.

shelly david wright, poet



This is what I'm feeling right now because of an
episode that I'm going and growing through.
I wanted to share these emotions at this writing
because I'm sure these same emotions are affecting you.
Shatan knows where our weakness is and he will play on
them on your way to getting your Blessing from the Most High.
I know that through it all Yah will be there but while
you're waiting beware of the illusions and the lie.
Shatan will seek to fill your hearing with hopelessness
and depression will follow if he sinks his fangs in.
Just know that at this time I'm being dealt with I will
have my HalleluYah moment this Yah will allow me to win.
Testimony in the storm is what this is and I hope to
encourage you to hold your heads up too.
I know we are all going and growing through something
in one way or another drama in your life shatan will do.
I'm tired weary and overwhelmed because this has truly
affected me emotionally.
Yesterday I lost one of my batteries and I hadn't heard
from someone special who is very dear to me.
Shatan is bringing the noise to her also and I know she
is going through headaches and stress also.
I'm sure she is just as unhappy at this moment too the
devil is in the unhappiness business this I know.
I know besides her there are many of you who feel
out of it and are getting pounded by shatan everyday.
Yah will have us calling on Him through this and He
hears our cries when we to Him pray.
I'm trying to think on the good things and use my
imagination and not look at the reality.
I wished those things that I imagined would truly come
true and a happy camper with a big smile you'd see.
Unhappiness is the spirit of this world where everything
through death and destruction is falling apart.
We just need Yah to come to our rescue because I know
for one I don't need unhappiness taking a hold on my heart.
I'm hoping I'm allowed to feel this just as a written testimony
and soon what I'm facing will simply be resolved and go away.
I know what I'm sowing is what I'll be reaping and the Love
you get from the poetry comes soon I pray.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To Uplift and to Encourage

"To Uplift and to Encourage."

Many say marriage is a partnership like a business
yet I see it as more of a ministry.
Where we are to be a light to each other and those
on the outside looking in a marriage should be a testimony.
As a couple you should be ready to perform a real
duty and that's to uplift and encourage one another.
We should do the same thing when we talk to our
spouse as we would a Sister or Brother.
To uplift and encourage each other is what we
should be about and this is what I plan to do.
Along with prayer and unconditional Love that
we should provide to our spouses too.
Instead of the fussing and confusion you see in many
homes we should be about uplifting the Love we share.
We need to respect each other as gifts of the Most High
to each other and with genuine concern show we care.
To uplift and encourage we get this from our friends and
give them the same so why not give this to your spouse.
Shatan is there with his horde of demons surrounding you
so you know you need the Love of Yah in your house.
When Yah finally brings my spouse into my life I will
share the words of encouragement that flows like poetry.
Because I know I am responsible for her and keeping her
as her husband for she is the greatest gift ever given to me.
Marriage doesn't have to be stormy when you learn to
deny self and place Yah as the foundation and the center.
When you have Him He will guide and direct you to be
right with your spouse as peace and happiness you enter.
To uplift and encourage each other as the days approach
where we shall see more spiritual attacks take place.
When you are standing up to be found right before Yah
the devil and his own will always be in your face.
United we stand divided we fall and the latter is the plan
of shatan but there is only so much he can do to achieve.
His goal for destroying a marriage that is Loving and an
example of Yah's Love a Love many have yet to conceive.
As I uplift and encourage those who are close to me this is
only preparation for the one I will be given to Love in my life.
I know that I will be tested and so will she but if we stand and
let Yah fight for us we'll be a blessed husband and wife.

shelly david wright, poet

To Remove and Replace

"To Remove and Replace."

In our lives we have those things that shatan sends
be it so called friends that we truly do not need.
They can be a hindrance to us day to day and
into our lives seeds of negativity they'll feed.
I ask you Yah to remove and replace from our lives
those things and people who should not be there.
I ask you to replace them with what you would have
for us so we can be a light to those looking everywhere.
I thank you abundantly for the blessing and those who
Will jointly receive it as it is your will for our lives to do.
We need to see things more clearly and those who are the
unclean of shatan cause the confusion that leads us back to you.
To remove and replace everything within us that is not
like you and to replace it with a spirit that is set apart.
Let there be no longer confusion in these Temples but Your
presence and a genuine Love within our hearts.
Let fear no longer be present that we should doubt what we
already know you can do and have done before.
Remove that which is not fit for the use of your own
and replace it with the true gifts that you have in store.
I know many of you who will read this need to have those
in your lives removed and replaced by someone who is real.
Because the devil will send in an impostor who isn't a blessing
but your peace and Joy they will attempt to steal.
Like myself we all desire the missing piece in our lives the
one we will Love from Yah and truly appreciate.
But remember that shatan wants to strike first to cause you
grief believe me I know so on the Most High we must wait.
This past week I've been under attack spiritually and doubt
raced through my mind but today there's a difference you see.
I woke up this morning with a different view of it all and
the presence to write these words came back to me.
We go and grow through issues that are worthy of a testimony
and that's what we do when we breathe from day to day.
We are placed in the heat of battle where shatan will come
against us and with us he does not play.
I am alive today as a result of this battle and a victory
that Yah has given me and I praise Him for it too.
He will remove and replace those things and people that
affect you and as always for us when we call He'll come through.

Shalom All Praises
shelly david wright, poet

To Be Held and Told it Will Be Alright

"To Be Held and Told it Will Be Alright."

These are the sentiments of a Sister who needs the
Love and support of a real man to make her a wife.
Because she feels this emotionally and it's taking a
toll on her and it has an affect on her life.
She wants to be held and told it will be alright and
it will be when you're a daughter of the Most High.
The Love that you heart is seeking He will give to
you no good thing from His own would He ever deny.
This feeling is not just reserved to her but there are
times that I want to be held and to hold someone too.
These are feelings that I'm having all the time and
in my life I'm really praying for someone to be true.
It's sad but there's so much going on spiritual attacks
are occurring rapidly as this time winds down.
Those who are the set apart are having it hard because
there are so many with unclean spirits going around.
I know many besides Ahubiyah would Love to be held
and told it will be alright for what they're going through.
Many want the comfort of someone special in their life
someone who knows how to Love I know I Do.
When you're being held it is the arms of Yah holding you
through them and He shows His Love so affectionately.
He Loves His through their mates and He is there in spirit
as those who feel His Love Make Love so passionately.
To be held and told it will be alright well when you have
this person they're just a temple and Yah makes it so.
When you need to be comforted and confident it is Him
putting your mind and heart at ease allowing you to know.
That He is keeping His word and He is never going to leave
you nor forsake you and He is always there for you.
I want to feel His arms of comfort and assurance around me
through someone from the beginning He knew.
To be held by Yah and told it will be alright when it seems
like the storms are raging and they're all in your face.
To be held and comforted when you can't find peace in
your home or even a quiet time or place.
Tonight as I prepare for bed I will ask Yah again for my
spouse to send her because I know she's praying for me.
I want to hold her and tell her it will be alright because
she is finally in my life at last and more blessings we will see.

shelly david wright, poet

Through The Fire

"Through the Fire."

Anyone can be with you through good times but it
takes someone who Loves you to be there when they're bad.
Someone who will give you the words of encouragement
that you need when your head is low and you're feeling sad.
Through the fire that is raging in your life is where I want
to be by your side holding your hand in the midst of it with you.
When things seem at their worst know that I will neither
run or abandon you this I will never do.
In fact true friendship is forged in the fire all things are
tested by Yah in the very same way.
Through the fire like the 3 Hebrews who were saved
out of it Yah will do the same for you today.
For better or worst the vows say well I'm here no matter
what and this is where I want to be.
Because I know if the shoe were on the other foot Yah
would place it in your spirit to be here with me.
We are family that was and has always been joined
together in spirit by the Most High.
The true Love I feel for you is evident in me going
through the fire to be there for you as time passes by.
Through the fire of trials and tribulations that make
us and not break us Yah can use to help others.
What we endure through the fires serve as a testimony
and ministry to encourage your Sisters and Brothers.
Through the fire I will be there for you and I will never
leave you or forsake you as this is what's in my heart.
I will be there whatever you're going and growing through
because Yah has me here to play a special part.
Through the fires I know you're feeling like crying and
you're overwhelmed by the attack of the adversary.
He knows that Yah is calling you out of darkness so he
doesn't want to let you go without you feeling some misery.
Just know trouble doesn't last always and just as the Sun
will shine a smile will return to your pretty face.
I am here for you while you are feeling like you didn't
want to again and I wished that I could take your place.
We shall share the victory together and we will bond
through this as never before.
We will then become one as the Father intended to help
others who are in the fire and I know that there's more.

shelly david wright, poet

This Time I Want to Be a Real Husband

"This Time I Want to Be a Real Husband."

This time I want to be a real husband
because I wasn't DooDoo before.
But since Yah entering my life and changing
me for the better I know a whole lot more.
I'm no longer filled with lust where I got to have
and would get mad if I couldn't and act out.
This time I know what real Love is all about and I know
how special it is just to be held I know what's it about.
I wasn't a terrible husband compared to many out here
but compared to what I am now I didn't even exist.
I am now much more with this renewed life Yah has
given me and I will treat her like a lady I do insist.
This time I want to be a real husband not the ones
that shatan marries off just to later see it all fall apart.
You see although you say I Love You that is a lie because
you can't feel what isn't present in your heart.
Outside of Yah it's impossible to feel Love for He is Love
His presence must be in you.
When you Love you're able to deny yourself and place them
first because they're your responsibility and dream come true.
When you Love you will be able to drop anything just to make
sure their needs are met and they will also do the same.
You see when your marriage is brought together by Yah
you know it will be real this time and not some game.
He will be the foundation and the center the head and tail
and you will give all praises to Him.
Those who have come out of darkness who have been changed
know the difference now all of them.
I want to be a real husband to a Loving wife because this
time I have understanding and patience to know.
That Lovemaking is just an expression of our Love not
every night this expression she needs to show.
Lust is selfish and self centered where Love is not about
self but about the one you've been given to Love.
A treasure that after you've prayed and waited for
you know it had to come from above.
I want to be a good husband this time from Yah and
I know He is preparing me a good wife from Him too.
This time we both will know the meaning and the depth
of the promises we make to each other that end in I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

They Don't Grow on Trees

"They Don't Grow on Trees."

In the bathroom you can wipe yourself and come
up with the same thing some have been married to for years.
You know the ones who verbally abuse them at every chance
and reduce them down to tears.
The reality is that you can find trash anywhere whores
males and females are around every corner you turn.
But what doesn't grow on trees are those who will Love you
unconditionally who will show you some great concern.
They don't grow on trees the good men and women
who are treasures that may come along once in life.
When you are blessed to meet someone that sweet you
had better decide to make them your husband or wife.
Truth is you must be worthy to have someone like that
because the Most High will not give you someone so sweet.
Unless you are one of His also no demon is going to touch
an Angel darkness and light He does not meet.
Whores are everywhere because outside of Yah no matter
how you perfume or pretty the Pig that's what they be.
No morals or values the standards or virtues just the lost
children of shatan demons are all we see.
I was lost at one time until Yah changed my heart and
now I feel a Love unlike anything I've ever felt before.
Now I want the one whom my heart was created to be
touched by everyday more and more.
The true gems of the Most High don't grow on trees and you
can't find them anywhere they're given to you.
They're the ones you cherish for a lifetime and when
you have one you'll be glad to say I Do.
Yet if you're too blind to know the treasure you have I
would say this is your loss for on trees they do not grow.
But if your spirit is of the world and you've never had a
true Love then this type of person you may never know.
I pray that the hearts of the lost or changed so they can
stop feeling the pain of hurt and disappointment too.
They can stop being torn apart emotionally and physically
because Hell is not what they desire to go through.
Love is so easy to say and everyone has emotions but there
are a rare few that are seeking something that's so real.
They want to be Loved and appreciated but they won't get
it from the world because only the spirit of lust is all they feel.

inspired by Alfred Carter 2
shelly david wright, poet

There's No Comparison

"There's No Comparison."

When you think of those who are in the world
and those whom Yah has there's no comparison.
They can't compete or compare to those who know
true Love for the will of Yah in their lives is being done.
When you are one of the chosen you are a cut above those
who are not who have their father's spirit in them.
Where ours is to Love from the heart and give of ourselves
they are selfish and self centered just like him.
Shatan wanted to be admired above all and all eyes were on
him because he was created perfect in Beauty.
His head was lifted high because of his looks and to the
Most High he completely neglected his duty.
Just as there is darkness and light there are two one being
in darkness and the other being of the light.
The world will choose their own but those who see the
difference are drawn to the one who will attempt to walk right.
I praise Yah that we are directed to what He has placed
before us for we have no part of the darkness that's out here.
We must Love as we are directed to do but the slop that
the pig is in we go nowhere near.
There's no comparison to what the world has to offer when
we are the light of the world that the world cannot see.
We are seen by those whom Yah has called out but shatan
has the rest of them blind to our visibility.
I know the choices you think you are making aren't your
own when a spirit that's inside is directing you.
Read for yourself that your steps are ordered by the Most High
so are the steps of the lost by shatan directed too.
Nothing is left to chance but all is by design when your eyes
are blessed through the spirit to see it all so clear.
When your eyes are opened to the Beauty all around you
then what you have is truth without the doubt and fear.
There is no comparison to the men and women of Yah to
the males and females that shatan has under his control.
For we are what makes you feel good through the spirit of
Love and makes you feel throughout your soul.
There's no real choice because there's no comparison to those
of Yah and those whom shatan brings into your life.
For where those of shatan will want to whore you out without
commitment the one of Yah will Love and appreciate you as a wife.

shelly david wright, poet

The Potential to be a Spouse

"The Potential to be a Spouse."

When you think about finding someone you should
look at them with the potential to be a mate.
Why knowingly get with someone just to have them
sexually and have the feelings they have turn to hate.
Proverbs 31 talks about the Virtuous wife who set the
example who truly makes her husband proud as well.
But on the other side are the females from Isaiah 3
who are full of attitudes but who will go through Hell.
Now let's look at the Brothers they must be trustworthy it
makes a woman feel good when she knows you she can trust.
When what's in your heart is Love and respect for her when
you are committed and don't have the spirit of lust.
I hope that when you read the poetry you will see I have the
potential to be a spouse and a good one too.
That you know that the vows I will take seriously and from
my heart I will gladly say I Do.
I pray for the Father to send into my life the one who has
the potential to be a wife.
I don't have the energy to play games nor do I desire to
I want someone mature and sure who is ready to share my life.
Someone who will have understanding and although she's been
hurt is ready to trust and Love and to be Loved in return.
Someone who I won't have to be afraid to show my true feelings
and someone I will truly show her my concern.
The potential to be a spouse should be on the agenda because
it's about pleasing Yah and not your flesh I really must say.
Like I said you can get out of bed in the dark and trip over a
whore you can find one of them anywhere any day.
But quality is what you should be praying for someone who
has your best interest in mind.
When you are sent that you will need to praise the Father
because out here in the world a good thing you can't find.
I'm not about the physical but the emotional and spiritual
I would rather touch her heart with the Love in mine.
If I have her heart then I can have her body she will use it
to express her Love for me and that's fine.
I want what my Father wants for me and the blessings of what
my heart desires is someone who I will always Love and treasure.
Someone who has the potential to be a spouse will have a
true heart and a Love that’s beyond all measure.

shelly david wright, poet

The Other Side to the Story

"The Other side to the Story."

When we think of a Soul tie many of us look at it
negatively but there’s the other side to the story here.
When you have the spirit of Yah the dominant spirit
in you the spirit of shatan in them will have to disappear.
When Yah is present and He's turning something around
you need to step out the way and let Yah fight it for you.
When you're in a marriage and Yah has called you out the
Soul tie of true Love with your wife Yah will create too.
The other side to the story is just like shatan can create a
wicked Soul tie with those who whore, Yah has a good one.
When we are changed and our mate has not as of yet a
work in your life Yah is going to get done.
Scriptures tell you the unclean spouse is made Righteous
by the Righteous spouse the very one He's called out.
When Yah binds you He creates a Soul tie of Love and it's
made to be a ministry to show what His Love is all about.
It would be wonderful if we were joined to someone who
is walking the pace we are and for some this Yah will do.
Yet for others who are more stable who can handle more
a testimony of Love Yah will allow you to grow through.
Just like myself many are waiting for Yah to present their
spouse because I can't look for a spouse on the outside.
For anyone to only choose with their eyes is tantamount
to committing emotional suicide.
The other side to the story is a Soul tie is not just something
negative but Yah bonds His own through Lovemaking as well.
When their spirits are tied they are as one through the Love
of Yah and it's not a marriage created to be Hell.
When Yah chooses for us we have the perfect mate that is
by design to be the one that is right.
They will be more than we could have ever thought about
or imagined they will be truly a great delight.
A Soul tie isn't an evil thing of itself because it's the spirits
in the relationship that makes it a tie.
Just know when you are out of the dark and you have a
spouse who isn't your marriage is still Blessed by the Most High.
He is able to give you the Joy and Happiness you don't
have as your spouse is being prepared to turn around.
Where the spirit of Yah is there is going to be peace the
devil is going to let go and let Yah have it I've found.

shelly david wright, poet

The Latter is Better than the Beginning

"The Latter is Better than the Beginning."

To those of you who are going and growing through
problems in your marriage this poem is for you.
I pray that the encouragement that you seek will
be found and a renewed hope along with that too.
Ecclesiastes 7:8 The end of a matter is better than the
beginning, the patient in spirit is better than the proud.
This Scripture should speak to your heart in your current
circumstance and in your spirit out loud.
The latter is better than the beginning no matter how
good you think it started it will end Beautifully.
Look at Job and how much he had in the beginning and
how much more he had after being released from captivity.
Just know you who are feeling like it's the end and
things can't get any worse can't even begin to see.
The things that Yah has in store for those who Love Him
and He will give you what you seek and give abundantly.
Shatan is the author of confusion and he is working in
many homes overtime trying to break up the two.
Just know that when you were called out of darkness
that he would come in like a storm that's what he'll do.
Yah saw all that occurred from the beginning and He
already had plans from out of darkness to call you out.
When you have the Father on your side just hold on and
don't listen to the voice of shatan and please don't doubt.
The latter is better than the beginning no matter how sweet and
Beautiful it was it will be so much better than ever before.
The problems that you had will work themselves out and
you'll cling to each other in a way you never did even more.
This is for you and myself for I need these words heard
in my spirit and in them I too need to believe.
So this message that the end is better than the beginning
of the matter I need also to receive.
The latter is better than the beginning so pray through
it and let the Most High handle what you cannot.
He knows and wants to be esteemed highly with your praise
when a victory for your patience you have got.
I'm waiting to write a testimony and see the victory from
what He is going to do in my life.
At the beginning of the matter I was very happy but at
the end of captivity I'll be Joyous and will have a wife.

shelly david wright, poet

The I Love You Lie

"The I Love You Lie."

Now this is one that is set up to deceive you words
that only a devil with no conscious would say.
Words that are filled with meaning and substance but
in the mouth of a fool should simply rot their teeth away.
This lie has destroyed so many lives and countless hearts
have been broken when these words were said too.
Only the father of lies and his children would be bold
and uncaring enough to tell someone this when it's not true.
To take the sweetest 3 words many ears have ever heard
and have them come from a devil that's really mean.
Just to get all they can get out of a person to break a heart
so legs they can get in between.
The words I Love You are very Beautiful but when a
devil with no feelings uses them it's a lie.
Words that should only be spoken by those who know their
true depth and meaning children chosen by the Most High.
I have heard the words spoken by those with their own
agenda and I'm sorry but those words they did not feel.
It is a shame that they were used by the adversary and
I'm sorry that what my ears heard wasn't real.
The Beautiful part is all that I've been through has
prepared me for the one who is destined to come into my life.
When the next time I hear those words it won't be a lie
and I pray this person will be sent to become my wife.
The I Love You lie is what it is when what they say isn't
true but just words that a child would say to you.
Yet those who are out here thinking they're gaining an
advantage have a high price from Yah to pay and they do.
These 3 words are the sweetest a caring heart longs to hear
it's like saying that you've won the powerball lottery.
Just a greater high that you feel because you're walking
on air you have an unspeakable Joy occurring inwardly.
When it's my turn to hear these words and I pray it will
be soon then I want to hear them said face to face.
With a smile that would make the Sun grab for the Foster
Grants a smile that would brighten the darkest place.
I will shout for Joy and praise Yah because this time it is
for real and I'm going to celebrate as never before.
Instead of hearing the I Love You lie but the truth from her
heart I will want my ears to hear her say more and more.

shelly david wright, poet

That's Not Love that's Demonic Possession

"That's Not Love that's Demonic Possession."

I recently heard the story of this guy who has this
whore/wife who has moved another male into their house.
She is on her 2nd child with her whore yet she wants to
still be treated as if she is still her husband's spouse.
The reality is shatan has him in a stronghold and he is
too blind to see but when he does he will go off the chain.
This is a classic set up by the devil where he will snap
and kill everyone and they'll say he went insane.
You see there's a price for everything that you do and
his whore/wife is sowing her ass off in what will come back.
This will probably make the News it's not a matter of if
but when the spirit gets in him to attack.
You have to be a fool to believe that shatan isn't going
to take the opportunity to mess over the both of them.
You see if he kills them both before they can repent of
their sins they'll be in the Lake of fire with him.
This is worse than a Soap Opera because they're sinning
for real and not considering who else this affects too.
You see we are all interconnected as a people we have
families who will hurt when this nightmare comes true.
This isn't a negative view but a real life view because
you know shatan is busy and has been 24/7.
Work has been so good here that the demons here are
working overtime with no vacation since leaving Heaven.
There are other stories like this being played out because
quite simply they may say it but Love is what they don't feel.
How could you cheat and be so disrespectful if the spirit of
Love in your heart and life was real.
There is no reason for you to be this way you're not filled
with Love but with lust and with demons also.
When the situation finally explodes because it too has a due
date then to jail or the undertaker someone will go.
That's not Love to get pregnant for someone else not just one
time but many times and think that no one can really see.
You're the blind one because you'll be a loss when they go
off and send your dumb ass to the cemetery.
I know there's two sides to a story but Love is not even in
the book and it's a story that shatan himself will tell.
The unhappy ending will be two more souls lost who will
join him in a place many commonly call Hell.

Wake Up Whores Time is Short!!
shelly david wright, poet

Something You Give Without Commitment

"Something You Give Without Commitment."

Sex is something you give without commitment
and there are many who now regret they did.
They looked at the outside with their flesh and
could not see an evil agenda that was well hid.
What you don't realize about sex is it's a gateway
to spirits possessing you taking full control.
You see the devil uses sex and your flesh against you
because with him in the Lake he’s trying to take your soul.
When you give yourself without commitment you are
really devaluing yourself giving the Milk for free.
You're saying you're not worthy and aren't worth
a thing just a whore who doesn't Love herself or body.
Sex isn't something casual or something you just
freely give away whatever you do comes with a price.
What you don't understand is you share everyone they've
slept with bodily fluids is one thing but spirits ain't nice.
There are many now who are hiding from those who they
gave themselves to because they showed their true side.
You see once they get between your legs the truth about
them they no longer have to hide.
Pussy/sex is something that if you give it without a
commitment you are taking one heck of a chance.
You don't know what will happen you may get pregnant
or infected or infested and it ain't even romance.
There's nothing wrong with saying no and if you're
smart you'd be wise and wait.
Sex is an empty feeling that leaves you attached to
nothing because when betrayal comes you have hate.
Betrayal will come because a whore cannot say no to
sex no matter who lies down for him.
You see there are those with shatan's spirit who will
prey on you and there are so many of them.
Look at all those who are alone and seeking child support
yet they will give money to females who shake their ass.
I understand she is trying to get paid too by dancing
because from a loser she too may have heard the jazz.
Sex is something you don't give away it comes with a price
and if you're worthy to him this price he's willing to pay.
Let him prove that he wants to be with you by proposing
marriage and planning a wedding day.

Nope I didn't forget about the whorish females
who lust to have sex as much as males.
shelly david wright, poet

Some Hot Steamy Sticky Passion

"Some Hot Steamy Sticky Passion."

Tonight my wife and I will light the candles
have some wine and turn on some music too.
After a hot shower we will expose ourselves to some skin
to skin contact and physical expression we will do.
We're going to have some hot, steamy, sticky, passion so much
so that a spark will ignite and set the sheets on fire.
As our bodies flow to the rhythm of the thrusting and
grinding that could reach the stars or even higher.
Some hot, steamy, sticky, passion for two who are very
aroused and who are exploring the deepness of intimacy.
Where the whole house not just the bedroom is the perfect
hiding place where you can release what's inwardly.
True Lovemaking where the true Love they feel they
express with their bodies totally from head to toe.
Her lips her hips her softest place on earth all the special
places that you alone should get to know.
When two hearts are filled with Yah's Love you can't help
yourself expressing to your spouse the Love that you feel.
A pleasure beyond the scope of man to measure and a true
passion that Yah has given you that is so sweet and real.
The intimacy starts with the words and gestures that you
two extend and give to each other each and every day.
This journey to becoming one is about denying yourself
and becoming closer to your spouse in a special way.
When you Love then you will have the passion, the Love, and
the Romance will come flowing from the depth of your heart.
Two who are truly learning to unconditionally Love each other
to bond more than Gorilla glue and never ever pull apart.
Some hot, steamy, sticky, passion should be what Dr. Yah
orders for me along with a prescription for my very passionate wife.
I can throw away all the medicine I am taking because the
Love she will drown me with will add 50 more years to my life.
I pray the time is coming so I can feel the passion and the desire
that I can so easily feel and write about.
I know it's not polite to kiss and tell but I'm sure I'll want to
testify of a Love I'll never want to be without.
Some hot, steamy, sticky, passion is what I could use right
now backed by a true Love given from the Most High.
I know it seems like the light isn't at the end of the tunnel
but the desires for my spouse I know Yah would never deny.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, December 9, 2011

Building a Bond

"Building a Bond."

When you become intimate with someone you're
building a bond that's if you have Love in your heart.
When you give yourself to someone you feel they are
special and in your life they're an important part.
The physical expression of Love is Lovemaking and
you give yourself fully and totally also.
You want them to experience you in your fullness of
Love and what you feel for them you want them to know.
Know when that bond is broken by betrayal that person
is hurt and torn because they gave their heart to you.
When you have the heart you have the body and when
they Love strongly there's nothing they won't do.
That's why Yah designed physical intimacy for marriage
and for those who have His spirit in them.
Because the failed marriages and learning experiences are
of shatan many are put together by him.
Nothing Yah ever put together failed even to the extremes
when Job's wife told him to curse Yah out.
When you're joined by the Most High He is building a bond
of a solid foundation and He shows you what Love is about.
Sex is cheap and easier to get than candy it is empty and
lacks true emotion and void of true Love.
Many lives have been destroyed by sex it has to be one of the
most powerful weapons of shatan I know of.
Building a bond when two bodies and two spirits are joined
they become one in the sight of the Most High.
No longer are they two individuals to Him they're truly one
made of Love devoted to each other and themselves they deny.
When you build a bond you know about true appreciation
commitment, loyalty, and honesty you have within.
You're not looking for another vagina to crawl into that's
not what men do but only fools want to sin.
Whores grow on trees it's the spirit of lust that is of shatan
and it will destroy you this you need to see.
You think you have it going on but you're being played by
shatan Player you'll know when you feel the misery.
When I'm blessed to finally lay with someone it will be
very special because she will be my Queen my true wife.
We will build a bond with Yah as our foundation we will
have Love and passion that will last for life.

shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Your Eyes Deceive You

"Your Eyes Deceive You."

When we rely on our eyes alone when we desire
a mate we are already in the process upside down.
Our eyes are just a part of our flesh and the body
works in concert under shatan's direction I've found.
Unless you are called out of darkness your eyes deceive
you because the world we live in is nothing but a lie.
This is shatan's world in this age remember he was cast
down to earth to reign here by the Most High.
I know we tend to focus on that which is attractive to
our eyes but fail to remember shatan was attractive too.
Yah created him perfect in Beauty but his heart was in
darkness shatan's loveliness corrupted him like many of you.
No one is that fine or attractive we are decaying flesh that
is going back to the dust from where we came.
When we think we are all that because of the way we look
we are acting like our father and Lucifer was his name.
Children of the devil are all you are when you let your looks
go to your head and think you're all of that also.
This is frowned on by Yah this isn't cute or pretty to be
conceited by rotting flesh His anger you may well know.
Your eyes deceive you when you're going through tests as
well because the reality of what's going on you cannot see.
Shatan has blinded you to what is really going on when
you're of Yah all things work together for you spiritually.
I do have eyes and I look at those who are attractive but
I've learned to trust in Yah when He chooses a mate for me.
The outside may be as appealing to my eyes but they may be as
wicked as the devil and are poisoned inwardly.
It's time to close your eyes and feel the real Beauty of a
person hear with your heart and your ears as well.
Listen attentively to what they have to say because our
adversary comes in all forms to give you some Hell.
Our eyes deceive us especially when we openly reject a
person because of their size without getting to know them.
This is truly a spirit of the devil you need to deny your
flesh and in doing so you are dying to him.
I know I Love eyes and legs but more than that I Love
someone who is genuine and true.
With my eyes closed and my heart open to receive true
Beauty I'm awaiting for Yah to allow me to say I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

You Should Feel Like Trash

"You Should Feel Like Trash."

I saw this confusion on Worldstar where these
two whores were fighting because the other got burn.
They both were sleeping with the same male yet
they're fighting each other nothing they've learn.
There is a shortage of good men and women but an
abundance of whores and ass wipes out here.
Two whores fighting behind the whore they both
screwed the story here is very clear.
Sex in and of itself is empty with Lust as the spiritual
catalyst that makes people want to whore.
Yet they don't understand they got burned by more than
an STD but they now have demons in them galore.
Sex is more spiritual than physical you are giving
spirits open access to you and they will do you in.
Yah is not trying to stop you from having fun but He
is protecting you when He says whoring is sin.
Your body is a temple that houses spirits or His spirit but
if you're whoring it's not hard to see which one controls you.
When all you have on your mind is to please your flesh then
you are truly possessed by demons too.
You should feel like trash when you are played not by a
male but by shatan who has given you a disease.
Instead of fighting each other they need to be whipping
his ass together knock his whorish ass to his knees.
Truth to tell unless they're called to repent being burned
by a disease is nothing to being burned up in fire.
They need to realize that being a whore is not a wise choice
and it should never be anyone's heart's desire.
Shatan uses sex as a weapon to destroy you and invade
you with spirits to continue to do his will.
What you become is one of his children you know the
ones who drive up the murder rate when they kill.
You're missing the big picture here it's more than about
sex but your continued rebellion to the Most High.
He is going to throw all whores into the Lake of Fire read
for yourself in Revelations the book doesn't lie.
Without spot or blemish is what He's looking for so you
whores who are in church that's not going to save you at all.
The Lake of fire will be filled with the unrighteous along
with the devil Babylon is quickly starting to fall.

I hope they see this.
shelly david wright, poet