Thursday, October 22, 2009

Steps Are in Front of the House

"Steps Are in Front of the House."

Steps are in front of the house we use them to
step up on or down they're not members of your family.
When you take the Cow you take the Calves
you're to Love them and make them your own completely.
You're not to distinguish them one from another
they're all yours even though they didn't come from you.
They're yours none the less and to treat them any different
is wrong treating different you should not do.
They didn't ask to come here they're part of the
package you want their mama then they're coming too.
She isn't coming alone she has children she's responsible
for she can't abandon them and you know it's true.
Much too often males only see mama and don't
see the responsibility a male gave them.
She gave more than her heart she gave her body
and a part of her life to him.
The responsibility was too great for him to deal with
and he went after a female because he's a whore.
He isn't a man so he doesn't know anything about
Love or companionship finding someone you can adore.
Or she was playing the whore card too and got
caught not once but twice she made the mistake.
When you're nasty and irresponsible
someone will end up with a heartbreak.
Abandoned and left to fend for herself she soon
becomes bitter and alone.
She has children to care for and no help from him
so she has to stand up on her own.
The greatest Love is to make another person's children
your own it will truly challenge you to bring out your best.
To Love and care for children for another man or
woman is of Yah and He'll put you to the test.
Step is a word when associated with children shouldn't
be used at all steps are in front of the house.
They're yours when you say I do you take on hers and
she takes on yours when she becomes your spouse.
We need to realize what we're saying and stop this practice
we use steps to stand on to walk on many things you can think of.
We don't need to openly show any disparity to children
we're one family they're yours, mine, and ours that we Love.

Thank you Ms. Nita Brooks
shelly david wright, poet

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