Wednesday, October 14, 2009

All Talk and Empty Promises

"All Talk and Empty Promises."

There are males and females alike who
you do more for than they ever do for you.
Yet when you're in need yourself hardly if ever
will they come through.
These same males and females always have their
hands out looking to "Get and never Give."
It is sad that they're so blind and don't
understand the life of regret they're going to live.
You see what you sow you shall reap good or bad
and those who think they're smart will find out they're not.
Because if you're doing the giving from your heart
from Yah a blessing you've got.
Sometimes it's hard to be a cheerful giver when you
know your best intentions they haven't got at all.
It is only when they want to use you and
at no other time will they call.
They're all talk and empty promises full of lies
and the spirit of satan in their hearts too.
Scheming and conniving their way through
life is what they're dying to do.
We all must give account for the things we do
and those male and female "Gold Diggers" will be rewarded also.
Pray for those who use you for they are hurting
themselves not you I want you to know.
We who have a caring and giving nature have
been there but it only made us wiser you see.
We now have words of encouragement to share
because it's about having a testimony.
All talk and empty promises the same spirit
in the politicians are the same in those who claim to Love.
They are of their father the devil who they serve
the one cast down from Heaven above.
They too will join him if they aren't called from darkness
in the Lake of Fire they shall burn.
All the wicked who are unrepented will face the Lake
the wages of death by their trickery they shall earn.
We are not stupid or blind we who give from the heart
we do this not of ourselves but we are guided to.
We are living examples of Yah's Love but those who are
All talk and empty promises lots of Hell they're going to go through.

shelly david wright, poet

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