Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Castle

"A Castle."

To my full figured Sisters you're far more than
a brick house you're a Castle and a Castle is for a Queen.
True Beauty just doesn't come in the smaller sizes
but in all sizes because beauty is within and can't be seen.
You're a Castle and not a brick house in fact a lot
of the so called brick houses are headed your way.
The brick house figure is really a thing for many
that was yesterday.
The beauty of a woman isn't seen in her size only
because all are not the same.
You come in all shapes and sizes some are slim,
some are medium build and some have a thicker frame.
Derogatory terms like fat has to cease it
affects the esteem of many so upon themselves they look down.
The most physically attractive women are the
full figured ones I have found.
The attitudes aren't as common as you'd find when
a female who is smaller thinks she's all that and more.
But those who think that way will soon come to
reality because for them Yah has something in store.
In truth it's about being healthy physically but
even more it is being right with Yah above.
For He is the one that you need to impress first no one
else deserves to be first in your life not that I know of.
Yah will be there when males forsake you and He will
Love you when the one who claims to love you walks out on you.
Yah will be there to Love and comfort you to
hold your hand and dry your tears when you're going through.
We need to mature and spiritually begin to see the outside
is temporary it's the inside of a person their tender heart.
If you have the Love of Yah in you you're fine with
Him because you're truly a work of art.
You're a Castle because you're a Queen you're
half but full in figure and in Love as well.
Be content and be happy with you
send the negative images of yourself straight to hell.
You're not a brick house, and not a Whore house
you're a Castle and you're a Queen you're royalty.
The only thing big is the heart of a Queen because
she has a lot of Love in it for everybody.

inspired by a conversation with, Madam Preacher
shelly david wright, poet

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