Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Conceived Through Love

"Conceived Through Love."

I released Love and we conceived Love
we are now going to have a family.
A precious gift of our Love together
it took the two of us to make three.
We met a lifetime ago and we were joined
before life on this world began.
We who were predestined to be together
as a great part of a Master's plan.
Two who have so much in common two
who lived worlds apart.
One thing we had that brought us together
was the Love of Yah beating in our hearts.
When we met it felt like we always knew each other
we were comfortable speaking in love.
Our words flowed through our mouths from our hearts
and through our hearts from Yah above.
We knew we were meant to be together
we both had saved ourselves from the last experiences we had.
Experiences that were sexually motivated
nothing was there just two bodies moving so sad.
Yah came into our hearts at the peak of hurt and changed us
and formed within us a ministry.
He gave us a Love and a light deep within
for all those who He's calling out of darkness to see.
Conceived in Love born into a Loving family
a baby who is the epitome of my Love for you.
Love that you will carry for 9 mos. as we become closer
reading, speaking, and singing to our unborn is what we'll do.
Much too often a treasure is conceived
only to be unwanted, unloved and aborted away.
In this society we live in before Yah's return
this is happening everyday.
Relationships that were based on sex and unprotected
spreading your legs to possible death, demons, and disease.
The unfulfilling nature of sex could destroy you
whole from any of these.
Conceived through Love born into Love a baby to
complete our family and bring new Joy to our life.
Pregnant and smiling together at the GYN
I'm so blessed I'm going to have a baby with my wife.

No one's pregnant yet!
shelly david wright, poet

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