Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Love and Want All of You

"I Love and Want All of You."

Not just your Beautiful eyes and your nice firm
thighs not just your pretty legs but all of you.
Not just your radiant smile and your sweet little
nose and full lips but the whole I pursue.
Not just your well proportioned frame that has more
curves than a California highway front and back too.
I want the total package I Love and want all of you
from head to toe you're my dream come true.
You're more than eyes have ever seen or imagined
but your Beauty is spiritual and emotional also.
Your words are filled with wisdom and Love and from
your conversation it's the Most High of Heaven you know.
I'm not concerned with or after what's between your legs but
what's between your ears and in your heart matters to me.
The physical is just a portion of the whole sum of a
person the real lies within them spiritually.
I Love and want all of you your passions your problems
that through prayer we can find an answer to.
Going before our Heavenly Father together as
one in spirit is what we shall always commit to do.
The whole person is a physical, spiritual, and emotional
creation there's so much more to them than what we see.
When you Love someone you must Love them for
who they are with all sincerity.
It's not about the world what they have to offer
or what they have in their bank account.
Because all the dollars in the world can't buy or equal
to a person that Loves you for any amount.
Nothing compares to a true Love and when you Love
each other there's healing to your heart and life.
Then Yah gives you His blessings when He joins
you two together as husband and wife.
Not just your pretty feet or your round ankles not just
your pretty soft skin or your cute little ears as well.
Not just your little hands and your pretty fingers
not just your little tummy and sweet round tail.
I Love and want all of you in your entirety
you're all that's pure and sweet.
I know that I have all my needs answered in you
because through you Yah has made my life complete.

written October 25th 2009
shelly david wright, poet

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