Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kindness Is Not a Weakness

"Kindness is Not a Weakness."

Kindness is not a weakness it's just a sign
that the spirit of the Most High is in you.
When people take you for granted and advantage of your kindness
bringing Yah's displeasure upon themselves is what they do.
Kindness is not a weakness but when you give you show
Love because you can't without Love being present within.
Those who take what you do for weakness aren't hurting
you but themselves they'll have to answer for their sin.
The world will label you a push over because of your
kindness and your caring but they simply just don't know.
Because they're selfish and self centered and it's all about them
satan's spirit is present in them and he is their god also.
The Fruit of the Spirit of Yah is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience,
Kindness, Goodness, trustworthiness, Gentleness and Self Control too.
These are the things in your life that the world thinks are
signs of weakness but that simply isn't true.
Kindness is not weakness this is another lie of satan
where those who take advantage of Yah's own will reap.
There are many who abused the kindness of Yah's own
who are in the ground asleep.
They'll awaken to the Judgment and will be tried and
punished for the deeds of satan they've done.
So you who think you're slick and sly Yah has your
number and before it's over you'll be the one.
Kindness is not weakness but strength overcoming
your flesh and giving and doing from the heart.
This in and of itself shows the world that you're
different but not strange Yah's spirit sets you apart.
I give through Love what little I have isn't mine
for nothing we bring here nor can we take out.
Sharing through the spirit of Yah in Love is doing
His will and that's what life and living is all about.
Kindness is not weakness but Love made real through
your acts, kindness is made real through pure Love.
Kindness isn't a human emotion or thing because it's
the spirit of Yah from above.
Kindness isn't weakness so I say continue to give you're
not a fool they're playing themselves before the Most High.
When it all comes around you'll be blessed and they'll get
their reward from someone they care about and that's no lie.

shelly david wright, poet

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